OK, this would seem to indicate a serious problem in our - TopicsExpress


OK, this would seem to indicate a serious problem in our government. When I was in the House in 2011-2012, In the midst of a $2.6 Billion dollar budget shortfall, one of our (the actual Conservatives) primary issues was the gas tax. We had covered the $2.6 Bn, and went to go reduce the gas tax. The conservatives forced the bill against the leadership, and it passed the house, but the Senate never took it up. We were told at the time that the gas tax fluctuates based on the price of oil and gas. If oil and gas go up, the gas tax goes up. If oil and gas go down, the gas tax goes down. This was brilliant, we were told, because the gas tax pays for roads, and the asphalt comes from petroleum, therefore it was self-regulating after a fashion, and should the gas prices go down then the gas tax will come down too. Fast Forward to today, and now we have no multibillion dollar shortfall, gas and oil at decade lows, Republicans dominate both chambers of the legislature and the Governors Mansion. And the gas tax is going up. Can.....somebody please remind me why its so important to elect Republicans over communists...I mean Democrats? Because I seem to be forgetting why the one is supposed to be better than the other, when they both do the exact same nonsense once in office.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:02:39 +0000

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