OKay, so we are back from Regionals and I have to say it was the - TopicsExpress


OKay, so we are back from Regionals and I have to say it was the best showing so far. Recap: Friday started out rough but we kind of expected that. The first WOD tested the teams resolve and put the pressure on early. 27th place did not feel great and had us questioning ourselves. WOD 2 the hang snatch. I think the best quote of the week was from mike when he asked why the bar feels so much heavier out on the competition floor. Needless to say we made some strategic mess-ups but we had some huge lifts that kept us in the game. The tide turned on the 3rd WOD when Tim Vandeusen got us started with a 120 foot handstand walk leading the team to a way better than expected Top 5 performance. This was a huge lift that ended the day on a positive note. Saturday started off with a great performance by the whole team. Thrusters and rope climbs. The competition was fierce and the team pushed through to finish in 14th place. Next came WOD 5 which consisted of strict handstand push ups, hang cleans and burupees, a brutal combination of moves. The team killed this WOD and finished with the first of 4 consecutive top 10 performances. Saturday night felt way better than Friday night and finding a bar with a mechanical bull didnt hurt to relieve so of the tension of competition (see ted barker for more details). SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY... The big day and the day we had been waiting for. Two workouts that fit our skills well. WOD six kicked off at 9am and PCF was ready to Row, double under, deadlift and toes to bar. The team performed like pros. They were composed and ready for the task. We placed 7th place against some great teams and had momentum going into the final WOD. WOD 7 was a up tempo combination of gymnastics. The WOD was a relay of 49 pull ups and 7 overhead squats (each) for time. Tim lead the charge again with a ridiculously quick set of unbroken pull-ups and squats. Z came next and kept us on track. Mike came out strong with another set of unbroken pull-ups. The team gained momentum through the entire workout ending with an awesome performance by Lindsey, Austin and Lynn. Team PCF won the second heat of the 7th WOD and came in 3rd place over all in WOD 7. When it was all said and done the team finished in 8th place. It was awesome to watch them perform but it was even better to experience the enthusiasm of those that came down to cheer them on, those that watched and reported online that those that sent 100s of positive words of encouragement along the way. Competition brings the best out in everyone and everyone benefits from a hard fought battle. The individuals on the team tested their boundaries and those of us that lived vicariously through their accomplishment now have reinforced reason to push through our difficult battles and to achieve our goals. Coming back from a bad start to finish at the top of the leaderboard should be a metaphor for our lives. Just because you started the race in last place does not mean you need to finish in last place. Big thanks to the team for making the 2014 regionals experience one we will never forget and thanks for showing us that perseverance is the only sure way to achieve greatness. Thanks team! ~jason and dave
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 02:34:04 +0000

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