OMG!!!! Im absolutely effing foaming. Ive just had a phone call - TopicsExpress


OMG!!!! Im absolutely effing foaming. Ive just had a phone call from school as they are concerned about what brads got in his packed lunch. Since he started back hes been complaining that he doesnt have time to eat everything. He was taking sandwich or savoury like chicken pieces and a dip, cake, apples slices, juice, raisins. hes been bringing back unopened stuff but saying other stuff goes in bin. Like he opened his apples but didnt have time so they in the bin. So we prepared his lunch together as we always do so he knows wot hes getting. Hes taken a bag of apple slices a sugar strand donut and a drink (a big greggsys donut by the way) and he will eat it all rather than have 1 bite of his sarnie and 1 bite of his cake and chuck the apples away coz he doesnt have time...... do you want us to give him a sandwich she said. To which I replied has he ate all of his apple and donut. no he hasnt but wed prefer he had savoury than sweet...... I told her brad wants cake and apples for his dinner so thats wot hes got.!!!!! Tomorrow it will probably be sandwich or savoury and fruit Im not stupid he wont just be getting cake all the time AND he has a decent breakfast and a cooked dinner every day........ NOW THEN.... wot about all you parents who have ya kids trying the school meals and they not liking it and you been told they cant change to packed lunch till next term so ya kids are starving wen they finish school Vicki Mcfarlane was just talking to me about that yesterday. Is that not a bigger concern.??? And I was talking to a dad yesterday whos little girl was complaining she dont have time to eat her packed lunch too. At least brad will eat ALL of his cake and fruit.!!..... Thats all rant over now here.. Apologies if Ive bored anyone but I just thought THE CHEEK and felt I had to post this!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:50:52 +0000

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