ON-GOING DEBATE ON WHETHER CHRISTIANITY IS A RELIGION One Chiagozie Chidebe posted the following on October 1 at 8:55pm, thus: Christianity is really not a Religion but a Walking Relationship with God....in the World it is said the End justifies the means but in Gods Kingdom the Means justifies the End, God is not just interested in the beginning and the end but more importantly also the walk with him in the middle, for God who dwells in eternity, sees the middle before He declares the End from the Beginning! Romans 8:29-30 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified Let me say what God told me, God is coming to take only those who are walking with Him…Selah Walking is exactly, of course, the activity to which we are called in the New Testament, isnt it? Walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8), Paul said Walk worthy of God (1 Thessalonians 2:12), Walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise (Ephesians 5:15-17), Walk in love(Ephesians 5:2) Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh(Galatians 5:16). This is the very thing were called to do, to walk with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. [End of Chidebes post]. Then the comments came, and resulted in the following on-going debates: Ogo Ogbata: Christianity is True Religion => Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 Chiagozie Chidebe: Ogo Ogbata I did a little study by the Holy Spirit and let me share my findings. In the ancient Greek text, we find the word Thriskia which today should not be translated as Religion but as Worship. In Modern Greek, the same word Thriskia, means also religion, thus, when translators translate from ancient Greek to English, they make this mistake. When we say that “Christianity is not a religion in the usual sense of the word”, we are clearly implying that the term “religion” is not used in the Bible.When we speak of “religion”, we mean an organized, world-theory system. In other words, we associate it with a group of people who have a specific IDEOLOGY, which they promote. And it is precisely this element that we reject in Christianity. Because Christianity IS NOT an ideological system. It IS NOT a philosophy, OR a theoretical fabrication. Furthermore, Christianity IS NOT a man-made fabrication, or an organization by people. It is a God-human institution, and the Body of Christ. But, this too IS NOT the true meaning of the word “Thriskia”* ; at least not in the Holy Scriptures, where the word “Thriskia” is related to the true faithful. In there, the word definitely does not bear the meaning of a philosophical or ideological system; it indicates the ways in which one enacts his faith. “Religion” (”Thriskia”, as found in the ancient Greek text) in the New Testament denotes: “the sum of a person’s acts of faith” (aka “worship”) , and not “the group”, which may or may not be real, or, which can supposedly be compared to other “groups” of people. Let’s take a look at an example from within the Holy Bible: If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (James 1: 26-27) It is obvious to every logical person that James here is referring to PERSONS “worship”, and not to “religion” in the sense of a group. This is made evident in verse 26, where we read “anyone among you” – in other words, “anyone WITHIN THE CHURCH”. James uses words like “you”, “he”, “his”, “one’s”… ALL other verses in the New Testament that use the word “religion” are similar to the above. Let’s look at another one: Similarly, in Colossians 2:18, (NKJV) he speaks of the “worship of angels” the word translated worship here is also “Thriskia”. According to the inference here, he is referring to the way of worshipping angels that was customary at that time, and not to any specific group that worshipped angels. Because the inference speaks of “religious practices” and not of ideological groups. We see here, that the word “Thriskia” is correctly translated as “worship”, and not as “Religion”. This is also clearly evident in Colossians 2:23, where it mentions “self-imposed religion” (“Thriskia”.) ; in other words, it is telling us of “the method of worship that the individual person prefers, and not the way that God wants”. Thus, because Christians “PRACTICE their faith”, we also frequently use, in modern Greek the term “Thriskia” in this sense, but not in the sense of an “ideological system” that is used nowadays for the word “religion” Judah De Seekah: Wow,wow,wow! I have always thought something must have been translated wrongly in that James 1:27 each time i see the word religion and just day before yesterday i concluded that word should have been rendered worship,though i never researched. And now you confirmed it. Thanks for that. On the other hand,i dont even like to use the word Christianity because it suggest a system which comprises 41,000 sects and myriads of doctrines. Jesus never called us christians. If he ever used a label on us,he called us BRANCHES(John 15:2,5) and MY SHEEP (my FOLLOWERS). Several places in Acts(eg 9:2) they were called the people of the way (the lifestyle,practice). It was outsiders who didnt know what the faith was all about that called His followers CHRISTIANS,because every set of followers of a particular god have a cultic or rite system they follow and a name they bear. We are His followers,not sects or rites and i dnt think the label from Antioch is what we should go by. Chiagozie Chidebe: Yeah your right, I hardly use Christian, I always answer Im a believer in Christ Jesus or Im a child of God. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Ive been looking for discussion on Christianity and Religion before I saw this post. The question I want us to consider is: was there Christianity before Christ or it arose after Christ left? If its before Christ then its a Religion else its not a Religion. For Jesus did not call anyone into a doctrine but a Kingdom, the Government of God. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: The gathering of people in the synagogue before Jesus came was a Religion. Into their gathering Jesus went to talk about the Kingdom and of their gathering He said: you diligently study the scripture...yet youve not come to Me to have life; John 5:39, the same as many that are in Church, today, but do not have a relationship with God. Men made the gathering of followers a Religion which is not suppose to be. Ogo Ogbata: Hmm... Interesting comments, I have to say. Let me go and bring my stool and sit on it Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Until Church return to HOME CELLS, many will take the gathering to be a Religion. Chiagozie Chidebe: Mark 7:13, thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: your second comment I believe is described aptly by Jesus Himself in Mark 7:13,as the traditions of men, because Jesus Christ was speaking to leaders in the Synagogue describes the attitude of exchanging a walking relationship with God with a mere religious gathering of followers in the Synagogue. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: The barrier that restricted people to a particular place has been broken in Christ. Thus, every day is now a Sabbath and place is no longer a barrier. Even, alone in the prison one could worship God. The time has come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, without going neither here nor there! Ogo Ogbata: I think it would help to critically consider the question what is religion? How is religion defined in the dictionary and which of the several definitions are we adopting? Religion can be described as the worship of God. Followers of Jesus adhered to His doctrines and also had their ceremonies or rituals. I know that many hypocrites have given the word religion a bad taint but are we to throw out the word entirely as a result? There are dead traditions and false religions. Likewise, God has His own traditions and ways. Philosophies are essentially thoughts. We have the philosophies of men but God says My thoughts (philosophies) are higher than yours. The Kingdom of God has its own culture, language and systems some of which can be compared with what applies on the earth. This is the reason Jesus came and told numerous parables using earthly models as a basis. He said the kingdom of God is like a man who sows seeds... like a man who finds treasure... like virgins who attend a wedding... The world offers dead religion but God offers something that is alive and active. Myron Mason: I would say that Christianity is a religion, where is the word Christianity in the bible ? Did God give us that or man, did God call us Christians or man ? I understand what people say the definition is supposed to mean, but in modern day Christianity, God isnt required to rule in man . The message that Christ came with the Kingdom, required us to be ruled by God again thi is why we had to repent. They were called The way Jesus did say he was THE WAY. Religion is mans way of trying to appease God. Nathaniel Chukwujike Ezemandu: The terminology Christian was endorsed by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Peter: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf (1Peter 4:16). Moreover, this Christianity is not a religion thing is one stubborn pet error among Evangelicals that just refuse to go away. According to The Strongs Greek and Hebrew Concordance, number G2356 the word θρησκεία in New Testament Greek (pronounced thrēskeia) means religion OR worship. This NT Greek word also occur in the KJV in Acts 26:5; James 1:26-27; in Col. 2:18 its translated worshipping by the KJV. We see here that θρησκεία when translated as religion or worshipping means the same thing. Therefore, it wasnt wrong when it was translated worship in the various places. So Chiagozie Chidebe isnt right at all; that charis is often translated as grace or favor in various places in the Bible, doesnt make one of them wrong, since they mean the same thing in NT language, just like religion and worshiping mean the same in NT language. Then what saith Christian doctrinal history? In the English Reformation they variously used the term religion to refer to Christianity as well: for example The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. CHRISTIANITY IS A RELIGION; Its the only pure, undefiled and substantial religion, while every other religion is impure, defiled and vain as saith Apostle James, thus, If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this mans religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world (James 1:26, 27). It merits emphasis: Christianity is a religion. You may wish to see my earlier post on this issue, in this Forum, titled, Point of Correction: Christianity is a Religion: https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=4209236807338&id=1777526240 Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Theology described Christianity as Religion while Holy Spirit revealed Christianity(Christ-in-humanity) as a way of life that devoid system. Whichever one belongs determine his/her assertion. Chiagozie Chidebe: Nathaniel Chukwujike Ezemandu sir,on the issue of Christianity I just learnt now the truth now,yes it is clear from your expose that it was endorsed by the Holy Spirit,so from now on there will be no hesitation on my part to say boldly, Im a Christian...However on the other matter, I still stand on what I have said by revelation from this context, when I go for an interview Im always asked what is your religion? This is where Im coming from,Christianity is not one of the numerous religions, it is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, it doesnt stand at par with Islamism or Buddhism or Judaism and that is why I said in my initial comment below; When we say that “Christianity is not a religion in the usual sense of the word”, we are clearly implying that the term “religion” is not used in the Bible. When we speak of “religion”, we mean an organized, world-theory system. In other words, we associate it with a group of people who have a specific IDEOLOGY, which they promote. And it is precisely this element that we reject in Christianity. Because Christianity IS NOT an ideological system. It IS NOT a philosophy, OR a theoretical fabrication. Furthermore, Christianity IS NOT a man-made fabrication, or an organization by people. It is a God-human institution, and the Body of Christ. Judaism , Islam, as well as Indian and Far Eastern religions like Buddhism and Sikhism ,African indigenous-based religions like Santeria ,Other belief systems, including Atheism and the Mormon Church, Candomble, Hinduism, Jainism, Shinto, and others….…this what a write-up said under the heading “Major Religions of the world” in which Christianity was also included, I quote “Religion is often defined as a set of beliefs that explain the world and the universe; however, for individuals, religion and spirituality are more than just a way of understanding the world. We hope to not only provide practical, and historical information about religions of the world, but to also examine what each religion means to its followers….While religion dictates peace and good will, many battles and divisions have taken place because of religion. Religious belief plays an important role in the history of the world. The people of the world could benefit from learning about the different types of religion.” I really couldn’t read any further because when someone who doesn’t know God writes this is the kind of things they write……Jesus Christ did not say I’m one of the Ways, one of the Truths and one of the Life’s, He I’m the Way, the Truth, and the Life , no one comes to the FATHER except through me…..with an emphasis on “THE”. So in the above explained context Im not wrong, if there are words satan can use and confuse our understanding of God or make unbelievers think they are the same with believers in Christ Jesus,and make preaching the gospel more difficult bearing in mind satan who is the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers from see the glorious liberating light of the Gospel, he will certainly latch unto it,and use it. As you yourself correctly stated in your comment,θρησκεία in New Testament Greek (pronounced thrēskeia) means religion OR worship. This NT Greek word also occur in the KJV in Acts 26:5; James 1:26-27; in Col. 2:18 its translated worshipping by the KJV. We see here that θρησκεία when translated as religion or worshipping means the same thing., so then I will prefer the word Worship to religion, for obvious reasons as stated above and that is why I stated below; In the ancient Greek text, we find the word Thriskia which today should not be translated as Religion but as Worship. In Modern Greek, the same word Thriskia, means also religion, thus, when translators translate from ancient Greek to English, they make this mistake. I hope you understand my initial comment better now sir. Chiagozie Chidebe: Bamgbose Adegbuyi I really love your comment, i wished I could like it a thousand times. Myron Mason: What I find interesting is more people who say they follow Christianity are in some religious system, than not. The name Christian was coined 1st in Antioch by pagans in Acts 11:26. When men were called Christian at that time it was a mockery (like the N-WORD), not an honor. It didnt become honorable until the 3rd century. If this is what God intended to call us why is it only mentioned a few times in the bible ? When unbelievers give you a name , they stereotype you and put you in their own little box of expectations. God called us sons, citizens, the righteous etc.. Myron Mason: The Kingdom that Jesus brought to earth was not a democracy or religion and not a republic! A kingdom is a governing influence of a king over his territory impacting it with his will purpose and his intent, producing a citizenry of people who express his culture and reflect his nature. Christianity Religion produces a system that people try and follow, a kingdom produces a culture a lifestyle that is natural. There is no such thing as being a member of a nation, but you can be a member of a religion like Christianity. You can be a citizen of a country, you can dismember someone , but you cant de-citizenize them. This is why the bible says our citizenship is in heaven. A king cant have members of his country like in Christianity, he has citizen of his country. When Apostle Paul was using an allegory he said we are apart of a community just like the body is a part of the body members one of another. You never say how many citizens do you have in your religious organization, because citizens dont belong to a Pastor, they belong to a government. Ogo Ogbata: Religion - Common Dictionary Definitions => 1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. 2. a particular system of faith and worship. 3. a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion. Ogo Ogbata: @ All: Do we pick just one definition of religion and completely rule Christianity out as a religion on that basis? It makes more sense to say in such and such a context, Christianity is not a religion - which is what it appears Chiagozie is trying to put across. To rule Christianity out as a religion on every count makes no sense to me. I hear a lot of Christians say Oh, Christianity is not a religion, its a lifestyle. Well, is the word lifestyle documented in the bible in reference to the Christian faith then? Was the word relationship used solely as a descriptive word for the faith? Other religions are false religions because they try to appease God through dead works of the flesh. Christianity is True Religion because God steps down to quicken mans spirit, to inspire him, dwell in him and work through him. The words (relationship, lifestyle etc.) which people want to use as substitutes for religion also have their tainted meanings in various contexts. Kingdoms are not without rules/laws, philosophies and ideologies, systems, rituals, culture and the like. Christianity shows us Gods own way, Gods own ideologies NOT mans. Clearly, the bible shows us that that the New Testament Church had order, systems, authority structures and the like. However, it was God-inspired not man-made or devilish. That really is what makes Christianity different. Ogo Ogbata: @ Bamgbose: It is possible to have religious systems based in home churches or house fellowships. I have heard of many cases where people left the organised church, set up home churches and began to do the same (if not worse) things therein. The solution to the problems staring us in the face is more than just a case of changing venues. We need a total transformation of our hearts and minds in line with the biblical gospel. Ogo Ogbata: @ Myron, it is very possible for the unsaved to call someone a name that God endorses. Demons and pagans knew who Jesus really was and addressed him as such before some of the good people around Him even had a clue. If the word Christian appears in the bible a few times then it is worth noting. Anything that appears two or more times is definitely worthy of consideration. Something doesnt have to appear 100 times before we take note. Also, there is nothing wrong with believers using the term The Way alongside Christian. Our main problem right now is the pollution that has corrupted the image of Christianity - regardless of the name we choose to answer (whether The Way or The Light) that problem will remain until we address the root cause. A bad image can be redeemed when enough good people stand up and do the right thing. Christian means Christ-like. Is that such a bad thing to be called? The problem is that Roman Emperors tried to turn Christianity into a political empire. I say tried because they have not succeeded. Gods Church has always been for a few and those who know the truth will stand. Ogo Ogbata: By the way, it is very possible to lose citizenship. Even in the world system, people can be stripped of citizenship e.g. if they commit treason. I know for sure that in the UK, they have laws that if breached can lead to a loss of citizenship. People are also free to renounce their citizenship if they so wish. In a way, Christianity is the same. We can choose to renounce or turn away from Gods grace or not endure to the end and be saved. Yes, godliness ought to come naturally but we are still in the flesh and have to make concerted efforts to renew our minds and walk in the Spirit. It is not an easy race we are running at all. The bible says that God rules in His Kingdom. Well, why does He have to rule then if everything happens automatically and His citizens do things automatically? The bible also refers to us as members - members of Christs Body (not a church business though) so yes, we can be citizens and members at the same time. We can be servants and sons at the same time. We can be royals and priests at the same time. Its all part of our heritage in Christ. Myron Mason: Ogo, of course demons knew who Jesus was they are fallen angels they were in heaven with him at one time. God gave us names in the word , if some bully gave you a derogatory name , I doubt your parents would call you that. Like I said history said the name Christian wasnt noble until the around the 3rd century. I cant lose my citizenship in America WHEN i LIVE UPRIGHT, because thats where I was born. You can lose your membership in a religious institution just like Martin Luther did and be kicked out just like the guy who was blind in John 9:34-35. I never said being called Christian is a bad thing, I just choose not to be associated with that anymore, it doesnt stand for what the Government of Christ died for in todays culture. If Jesus brought a religion I would call it that. Heres what the word says he brought. Isa 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the GOVERNMENT(Kingdom rule) will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his GOVERNMENT and peace there will be no end. He will reign on Davids throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. Ogo Ogbata: Yes, Myron. The same demons who knew Jesus also know His true followers, dont you think? If a bully called me Daddys pet or over-zealous student is that such a bad thing? Do you know that even the word Jew is used in a derogatory manner in parts of the world? What does Christian mean? It means like Christ. Is that so bad, my beloved brother? Well, if you choose not to use the name then I totally respect that. I am just saying that its more about the essence of what it stands for than mere terminology. If we identify as followers of The Way (which of course is not a bad thing) without changing the reputation attached to those who follow Christ, it changes nothing. If you live upright, you wont lose your citizenship in the USA, same way those who play by the rules of churchianity will not lose their club membership. There are rules everywhere and those who dont want to follow them need to rethink where they belong. I see what you and Chiagozie mean. Christianity is more than just the normal religion. I agree with that 100%. However, in some aspects, the term religion applies. If we say Christianity is a relationship, then the next question would be what type of relationship?. If we say its a lifestyle, then what type of lifestyle?. If its a government, then what type of government? At the core of all these explanations we will see that it is about the WORSHIP of God. Thats what the dead religions are trying to do but fail to do. Myron Mason: The Way was what they were calling themselves, the problem began when the way got distorted and men begin to add and take away to what Christ explained what his followers represent. Acts 9:2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found ANY OF THIS WAY , whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. Acts 9:27But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord IN THE WAY, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the Jerusalem. Acts18:25 This man was instructed IN THE WAY of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Acts 18:26 This man was instructed IN THE WAY of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Acts 19:9 But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil OF THAT WAY before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. Acts 19:23And the same time there arose no small stir about THAT WAY. Acts 22:4 Apostle Paul stated I persecuted the followers OF THIS WAY to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison, Acts 24:14 ut this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets: Acts 24:22 And when Felix heard these things, having more perfect knowledge OF THAT WAY, he deferred them, and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the uttermost of your matter. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Ogo Ogbata, please, can you, as revealed to you, name things that make Christianity a Religion? We might help ourselves out by going through them. I want to put some out, let others add to it: going to a place to worship, having a form of prayer or creed, observing special days, establishing society et c. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: What Jesus Christ left with the Disciples was not a Religion. What Jesus left was the thing the people saw and called Christ-like, and it was not a Religion. Its on this mission of Christ to establish a Kingdom within people on Earth I based my proposition. Ogo Ogbata Religion - Common Dictionary Definitions => 1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. = Christianity/The Way involves a belief in and worship of God/Jehovah/Yah/Elohim/Jesus 2. A particular system of faith and worship. = Christianity/The Way makes use of a particular system of faith and worship. System = a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method. (Dictionary) E.g. The principle of simple faith and belief in Jesus Christ. The principle of confession and total repentance. The principle of fellowship. The principle of the washing of the Word. The procedure of baptism. The ritual or rite of breaking bread with the brethren. The principle of worship. The system of church administration through the various offices. Honestly, I could go on. 3. A pursuit or interest followed with great devotion. = True converts are to pursue the things of God with total devotion. Is anyone on this thread trying to say that Christianity/The Way does not have these attributes? Bamgbose Adegbuyi: If Christianity was to be a Religion, Jesus would have made rules on how people should go about their worship. Ogo Ogbata: Bamgbose, is this based on your own private definition of religion? We are going by what the English language defines as religion not what we personally think religion is all about or what hypocrites have made it out to be. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: A true act of worship, as made known, is LOVE. Love for God and fellow Man; it does not entails a system. Thats what Jesus emphasized and the same the disciples did. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Permit me: English Language has little words for Religion as made known by the Spirit. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: English Language gave the words but not the picture. Im speaking from the picture. Ogo Ogbata: And when we come together to worship God (as a congregation), have we no procedures to guide us? Have we no principles to follow? Are we not to acknowledge an order of things? Well, if you say that the English Language has not enough meaning, then how can you comment on the topic of what an English word actually means? We are examining a word and what it means in the biblical context of worship. A word used both in English and in Greek. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Procedures, Principles, Acknowledgement; all, do not make it a Religion. Ogo Ogbata: So again, are we going by your own private definition of the word religion or which definition exactly? Bamgbose Adegbuyi: As for English Language, I might propose someone put up the Tongues together for people to understand. Wont you support that? Ogo Ogbata: How do you mean? Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Tongues of the Spirit, speaking in Tongues, as its common today, is a Language. Shouldnt we have compilation of such, thats what I meant! Ogo Ogbata: Oh, I see. A topic for another day perhaps but feel free to compile and put it up if you are able and so led Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Not all about the Spiritual is conveyed in the Physical thats what Im driving at. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Not even the Bible carried all about the Spiritual. But, as we progress in our walk with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, things are pressed in our hearts and thats my position in this message all through. It was so nice engaging you. Time has wings! Ogo Ogbata: Its been wonderful talking to you too, my dear brother. Yes, we all know in part and will understand things better by and by. God does not despise our little efforts to understand what He has revealed. Even the pagans in their own way are trying to understand and reach God. The beauty of Christianity and the shining difference is that He comes down to relate with us and dwell in us. Bamgbose Adegbuyi: Yes, the God in us has made us god and has given us authority to manifest His nature, irrespective of where we are(here or there) or who we are(man or woman). Thats the commission upon everyone that turned from World to God through Jesus; the same...See More Nathaniel Chukwujike Ezemandu: Myron Mason, you cant be a true Christian Reformer without taking the Bible seriously. The Bible says that the name Christian was endorsed by the Holy Spirit through Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 4:16), and since all NT books were written in the first century, it means that this acceptance of the name was before the end of the first century. But here you are insisting that it was accepted in the 3rd! So, who do I believe - The Holy Spirit or your little self? I see almost the same problem with Chiagozie Chidebe. (Though, Im grateful that he accepted that Christian was endorsed by the Bible at the time it did.) However, his continuing argument that Christianity isnt a religion is terribly flawed. Though Ogo Ogbata has really done some justice in attempting to make you see this, but you continue arguing and making more ridiculous statements. Let me just point out some ridiculous nature of your statements: 1) You said that because there are other religions, for this reason Christianity cannot be a religion. So, because there other holy books, the Bible cannot be a Holy Book? Even, the word worship which is your choice, are there no other false worships? Even implied in James 1:26-27 is the fact that there other religions, but that they defiled, impure and vain. It merits emphasis, Christianity is the only undefiled, pure and substantial religion. 2) You speak as if Christianity doesnt involve an organized system or philosophy. If there other satanically organized systems, there exists biblically organized systems, and one of such biblically organized systems is the church; the Christian family is another, among many. There exists Christian philosophy, which is superior to pagan philosophy. The writings of the Early Church fathers is called Apologetics, meaning, The philosophical defense of Christian faith. Put simply, the existence of counterfeits is the proof of the existence of the originals. Nathaniel Chukwujike Ezemandu: ...And did Bamgbose Adegbuyi that Jesus did not call anyone into a doctrine? Well, the Bible contradicts him at several places, among which are, And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine (Mat 7:28); And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine (Mark 4:2); Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself (John 7:16-17) etc. Just use a Concordance and search the New Testament on the word doctrines, youll be amazed how many more evidences youll see!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:13:32 +0000

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