ONE “You need to go. It could be beneficial to you,” Amanda - TopicsExpress


ONE “You need to go. It could be beneficial to you,” Amanda stated to her twin as she flicked her dark red hair over one shoulder. “You’re always stuck in that bloody room, day in and day out …. It’s not healthy for you.” A frown flickered across her face as she stared at Sophia. “And it’s not as if you will be going on your lonesome, uncle George will be there too,” she reminded her as if that would make a huge difference! Sophia sighed as she listened to twin talking to her as if she was still an eight year old child and not an successful, independent twenty-eight year old woman and knowing her twin as well as she did she knew she wouldn’t back down until Sophia agreed to do what she thought was best. She’d be relentless in her quest until she gave in and agreed. She wouldn’t put it past her to bring in the rest of the family to back her up and she knew that she’d end up agreeing to their demands. She might as well throw in the towel, as it where and just tell Amanda ‘yes’ here and now. She just couldn’t deal with having all of her sisters surrounding her. Not after everything that had happened and it being still fresh in her memory. Plastering a false smile upon her face Sophia looked her sister in the eye. “Ok,” she replied, giving in, “I’ll go through what on earth I’m going to wear is beyond me. I haven’t got any think suitable to wear to such an event.” The thought crossed her mind that maybe; just maybe this was a way of getting out of it, though knowing her sisters that wasn’t likely to happen. When Uncle George had first mentioned this event, this ‘Ball’ she had straight away told him, “NO!” There was no way in hell that she was going no matter whom was going to be there. That was until Amanda had heard about it and had started the nagging, wearing her down and now she had finally agreed. Where was her backbone? Sophia questioned herself disgusted that she hadn’t the courage to tell everyone to back off; out the bloody window that’s where it had gone, right with her boldness and strength of character. Something that she’d always felt proud of and at the moment it seemed that Amanda had it all, along with her share. “Mmm…..That’s no worry you can use something of mine,” Amanda informed her, with a smile on her face, pleased that at long last she had gotten her own way. “I’ve got a couple of dresses that I’ve never worn so that’s no problem.” Sophia looked at her, hoping that her feeling weren’t showing on her face, oh god she could just image what sort of dresses she had hanging in her wardrobe, hardly any flesh hidden, bare for the entire world to see…. No, it wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t ready for it, not yet. Though deep down in her very soul she craved for that part of herself, the one she kept hidden, to be bold enough to come out and play once more. Sophia liked to fade into the background not to grab any body’s attention and to her satisfaction she mostly succeeded in doing so. She’d gotten it down to a fine art, Amanda was the complete opposite. Where Sophia did everything in her power to hide her hourglass figure, Amanda flaunted it for everyone to see. She often wondered how two people who looked so much alike but where so different at the same time. Well if you didn’t include their hair and eye colour which was the only difference in their appearance. Amanda being a red head, with bright green eyes Where Sophia’s is jet black, with light blue eyes otherwise their looks where completely identical. Milky flawless pale skin, the same shaped nose, lips full and deep red large round full breasts, a small waist and rounded hips. Someone once described them as a playboys centre fold, every young boy’s wet dream every hot blooded man’s fantasy. She signed; an image of herself when she’d been more carefree came to mind, she’d never been blasé as Amanda but she’d had been able to draw enough of the male attention on her own. No she wouldn’t dwell on the pass and what could have been. It wouldn’t change anything. Now was what was important and there must be something in her wardrobe that she could wear. Something that didn’t have men, young and old alike talking to her breasts instead of her face. Their eyes intended to go straight to her chest, she’d lost count how many times she had wanted to shout “err… my face is up here love!” Covering up had helped a certain amount but she still got the’ talk to breasts’ and not face men and covering up certainly hadn’t stopped him! No she wouldn’t think about that it would drive to her to distraction. She had to keep her concentration on the problem at hand. Going to something like this was a big deal, not only for the fact it would be the first time in two years she had left her property but Amanda was right on one thing it could be very beneficial both for her and her Uncle George, whom doubled as her Agent. Her paintings were well known amongst certain circles, it didn’t hurt that no one except her family knew who ‘Raven’ was. It added to the mystery, the infamous wicked sinful Raven, whose paintings where scandalous. How exquisite it would be to let raven come out once in a while, to let her come out and play. If only she had the courage to be Raven not only when she was painting but to be that person outside of that room. If it wasn’t so terrifying it would be laughable, that her problems had stemmed from her less known painting. God, life was strange. “It’s a beautiful dress,” she heard Amanda informing her. Realising that she’d been telling her about some grown she had and she hadn’t been taking a blind bit of notice. “The designer is Alice black -moor. It’s off the shoulder, dark red. With your colouring, you’d look fantastic” she informed her, taking in her whole figure, from her milky white skin to her black hair. Looking at her as if she’d never seen her before! Bare skin, she thought with a shiver, No … no way not going to happen. She could just imagine some dirty old man leering at her like some mutt in heat, trying to hump her leg and some woman giving her daggers because she thought Sophia wanted her man! … As if! “Erm… I don’t know Amanda, it sounds lovely but it’s not something I’d be comfortable in,” “You can’t hide for ever Sophia,” she whispered back, her eyes filled with sadness hurriedly blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. How she hated to see her sister like this, hiding behind all those hideous clothes. This wasn’t the girl that she’d grown up with. Watching as that girl had turned into a fun loving woman. It seemed like only yesterday that she’d been full of laughter had been so carefree but it seemed that women had long gone. She knew exactly who to blame… That bastard had caused this, why the police hadn’t managed to catch him god only knew. It was as if he didn’t exist. He just kept slipping through their fingers like a slippery eel and now he’d gone deadly quiet. Not a single word or sign from him in five whole months, sip, nothing. It was as if he had vanished from the face of the planet. If only that was possible! “I’m not hiding,” Sophia protested, all the while knowing her sister told the truth. By doing so it was safer not only for herself but her family as well. “I’m happy enough and I’ve got my work,” she tried reassuring her. “That’s not good enough,” Amanda replied a look of determination coming across her face. Sophia knew that look, she’d seen it a million times before and it wasn’t a good sign. She knew Amanda wouldn’t give up until she agreed to wear that blasted dress and any other ideas she might be creating up in her brain. She might as well give up now and not bother with any of the protests that sprang to mind. They wouldn’t get her anywhere no matter what she said to her. “You have to start living your life again. Go out meet some friends instead of staying in the house every single bloody day. Life’s too short to waste it. The only thing you seem to live for is your painting and yes it makes you a hell of a lot of money but being stuck inside or wondering around the grounds isn’t good for you. This ball or whatever you want to call it will be the first step towards that,” “It keeps me sane,” she muttered under her breath thinking of the room she had converted into a studio. She found peace there contentment. Was that so wrong? “No it isn’t, but it still isn’t good for you,” With a start she realised she had voiced her thoughts aloud. She sighed she knew that Amanda was right but it didn’t change how she felt. It would take some kind of miracle to do that and they were in short supply. Yes that’s what she needed a miracle or someone who could make her feel completely protected, safe, secure and deeply loved. She doubted that person even existed not in this lifetime anyway and just like she knew that no such person existed or that miracle would materialize she knew that shed give in and wear that blasted dress. In a blink of an eye she made her decision and in doing so guaranteeing her fate and before she could back out and start to have regrets later on for what she was about to do, though she was sure she would have them in handfuls she asked, “Well where’s this dress?”
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:06:43 +0000

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