OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY – 17/11/2013 NOT RESTING TIME BY PASTOR E.A. ADEBOYE MEMORY VERSE Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 READ 1 Kings 13:1-10 MESSAGE God has a plan for each of His own. Unfortunately, many children of God are mortgaging their destinies today. As promising as some may be in their walk with God, they may carry some spiritual contraband with them, such as idolisation of blessings or believe that they are okay as they are. Nothing grieves God’s heart as much as seeing the children He loves fall short of His plan and provision for them. In John 10:10, He expressly declared His purpose of coming to give you not just life but life in abundance. He wants you to succeed. He wants you to reach the top and become the best. He detests you stopping before reaching the top. Anything that holds you down from reaching the top is obviously one of Satan’s bondages. Afraid that you might get to the top, Satan will do everything possible to stop you by making you to rest when you have not reached your goal. In 1 Kings 13:1-32, God sent a young prophet on a mission. He was asked to go and deliver a prophecy to a particular town. To show the gravity of the offence of that town, he was instructed not to eat, drink or take any honorarium from there. He was told to return home by another route on delivery of the message. If he had followed that instruction strictly, he would not have failed. But after delivering the message backed up by the miraculous, he took a different way home and decided to rest on the way and the devil caught up with him. One of our greatest problems today is spiritual slumber. We believe we have already arrived and as a result shut the gate of progress against ourselves. God wants you to be an eagle but you are already celebrating as an eaglet. Your destiny is not where you are presently, so you cannot afford to rest. When you rest prematurely you will surely get into trouble. While David rested in the palace at the time of war, he fell into a pit of sin. Are you resting after a major breakthrough? Stop! Arise and get on your beat. Be watchful! KEY POINT If you refuse to sleep spiritually, the forces of darkness will find it an uphill task catching up with you.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 06:28:31 +0000

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