OPEN LETTER TO KEN KURANCHIE I almost laughed my lungs out when I - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER TO KEN KURANCHIE I almost laughed my lungs out when I read this piece headlined “Late President Mills was not a man of piece” by you - Ken Kuranchie on 31st July, 2013 and published by peacefmonline. What actually prompted me to read the article was the name ‘Ken Kuranchie’. I was curious to read the garbage you have this time. In fact the first time I heard of the name Ken Kuranchie was the day you were summond by the Supreme Court for contempt. We all saw your showmanship, how you found it reluctant to say that simple phrase ‘am sorry’. Maybe you were not taught. It might not be your fault. But after that, we were all expecting you to keep quiet and reflect on your already damaged reputation. Am sure you are not aware what ‘ex convict’ can do to ones’ life. You came out of prison boasting, talking ‘by heart’ until we shut you up. I thought you were matured to read between the lines. Sorry if I use such words but no word can describe it better. I made a little research on you and the first article that came up was entitle “Ken “Opete” Kuranchie” published by Ghanaweb on Friday, 9th December, 2011 and read the opening paragraph In Attempt To Perpetrate Another Journalistic Fraud With Okudzeto As Target Of Destruction News Desk Report. Known for his unprofessional conduct, Mr. Ken Kuranchie, Managing Editor of the discredited Daily Searchlight newspaper, was caught naked, as he tries to unwisely do the bidding of his political paymasters. Blessed with an award of the “Star of the Vulture” (opete), Mr. Ken Kuranchie, characteristics of him has decided to twist a conversation that his reporter, one Deborah Esi Acquah had with the Honourable Deputy Minister of Information, Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa via the telephone. I took some time to reflect on the man – Ken Kuranchie. A friend told me that you are the ‘too known’ type. After disgracing yourself at the Supreme court and at the full glare of millions, I was thinking you will come out and apologise. Ken what does millions watching the petition case at home got to do with your case? You made the greatest mockery of yourself and I felt very bad for you because you are my fellow man. If you ask me, I will say you deserve it even a harsher punishment. How many NPP big wigs sympathized with you during your stay in prison and after your release? Because they knew what you did was absolute rubbish. You were the only odd one out. You are a man and you have to behave such. No matter how hard you sell yourself, you will end up with nothing because no one is listening to you not even your wife. What are you trying to achieve? It was just recently that you even came into the public domain. No one know you. Or are you just trying to be popular by notoriety? I read the article over and over again but can’t figure out any clear point. Your utterances on Okay FM was just unfortunate. I guessed you don’t even know what you were saying yourself. I can’t really see the tail from the head. First you said it was under the watch of President Mills that Koku Anyidoho insulted former President Kufour that he is ugly and does not want to see his face. Now Ken if somebody is ugly and somebody don’t want to look at his face, what does this got to do with the President? Koku is just expressing himself. Is it that the President is too idle that he will attend to those very little things? You again said that the late President Mills sat at the Presidency without concern while four Dagomba men were butchered and murdered at the Agbogbloshie market stressing that if the late President Mills was a man of peace, he should have opened up for investigations to ascertain and arrest the culprits involved. Ken, in case you don’t know, I will like to bring to your notice that there are institutions responsible for cases like this. The president cannot share himself everywhere. Or I guess what you were expecting is that the president should open his mouth and say this and that? Wise up man. You said that it was under the leadership of the late President Mills that the founder of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) was sacked from the party’s activities. Ken where have you ever heard that this ever happened? If the former President distanced himself from party activities because of his personal reasons, it has absolutely nothing to do with the late President. There is no official document to even back your claim. Who told you that he was sacked? Or it was just your imagination? You again recounted that the New Patriotic Party members after 2008 election turned into political refugees in Ghana; in that, at Agbogbloshie, hundreds of people who are NPP sympathisers were sacked from the market and that non of these people have been able to go back to the market to do their business because of fear. Assuming this true, Ken, how can you know straight away that these people are NPP sympathisers? Is that the first place they have ever done decongestion? As far we are concerned, this assertion is frivolous. You again said that NDC party leaders and the young ones heckled the former first lady Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings during the NDC congress at Sunyani and that these young boys in the party also rained insults on former President Jerry John Rawlings at same congress. That never happened. You even forgot that you are contradicting yourself. You earlier said and I quote “It was under the leadership of the late President Mills that the founder of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) was sacked from the party’s activities” Is this not a party activity? This is a clear indication that you don’t know what you were talking about and that you were just saying whatever comes into your mind. You said the activities of the late President rather brought division into the ruling NDC. I want to bring to your notice that the NDC does not belong to the Late President. There are party executives and there are people who take decisions as at what is good for the party or not. The late President Mills rather strengthened the party and the evidence is there for all to see including you. Now I ask, what are you trying to achieve? What are your basis for judgement? How close were you to the late President? Why haven’t you talked about this up till now? Your matured mind should tell you that as fallible as man is, he cannot be 100% perfect. The fact that he cannot tolerate nonsense does not mean he is not a man of peace. His good deeds surpassed the bad ones that is why he earned that accolade MAN OF PEACE. Take it or not. Now you ask yourself, how will you be called? An ex convict? Arrogant? Disrespectful to the highest Court of the land? Indiscipline? You name it. I can now boldly tell you to shut up and sit somewhere. No body is looking at you. Behave yourself. You can be popular but not by scoring cheap points like this. Even if you choose this way, say something sensible with facts. All along, I thought you will rather mind your business and concentrate on building “your” NPP party that I ever wonder if you will benefit from it. Concentrate on rebuilding your damaged image. All that you said here are lacking in intellectual substance and not worth serious consideration. Kofi Joe Ewugah kewugah@gmail
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 10:00:39 +0000

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