OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNMENT- Heres the deal Congressman, - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNMENT- Heres the deal Congressman, elected and appointed officials , I am running for and will become Arizona Governor in 2014. I have clean hands and standing in court ....You might want to have your lawyer look those up and get ready for your personal spiral downward- With clean hands, legal standing in court and the DUTY to have the laws enforced, plus the ability to pardon criminals, it will be my sole responsibility to make certain every single elected official who has served in office and has allowed violations against Americas Bill of Rights, esp Arizonans who might be traveling abroad (that means): You have allowed your agencies to operate under false pretense and steal children from homes, perpetuate poverty, place large business over smaller free enterprise while accepting bribes. One single gun law, one single church requirement, one single ability to spy on an American or to even your faux ability to mandate that someone purchase the privilege to drive over the right to travel, et al., will make certain that YOU be charged with accepting bribes, felony deprivation of rights, conspiracy to deprive people of their rights, fraud and many other laws including violation of oath of office. If you elected officials confess and return all excess funds to a local school board or soup kitchen, I will not have you and your cronies thrown in prison. That includes all elected and appointed officials past and present. The fraud charge will seize your assets until the lengthy court proceedings take place, so be very careful how you walk the next few months. JOHN LEWIS MEALER Arizonas Next Governor Because we cant handle another four years of pay-to-play. Arizona has had our Liberty stolen away over the past 102 years and I am certain I speak for all of us when I say, WE WANT OUR LIBERTY BACK and WERE NOT ASKING! jlmealer/why-mealer/
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:57:53 +0000

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