OPENING STATEMENTS – PERSONAL INJURY TRIAL (PART 2) After the jury is selected then the lawyers are allowed to make an opening statement regarding the case. This is the time to capture the interest of the jury and to lay out the facts that will give the jurors a logical and reasonable basis to come to the right decision on the case. It is the time to engage that jury on an emotional level so that they can put themselves in the shoes of our client and understand the pain and the loss that our client has suffered due to the negligence of the defendant. Finally, it is an opportunity to begin convincing the jury that your side is the right side for them to be on. The plaintiff makes the initial opening statement, and then the defendant has an opportunity to make an opening statement in response. If your only experience in seeing opening statements is on TV, (and this is true for almost all parts of a trial) then the actual opening may be different than what you have expected. Whether the opening is long or short, whether we use power point or very simple visual aids, understand that what we are trying to accomplish is to educate and persuade the Jury to ultimately render a fair verdict in your favor. Our next topic will be Direct Examination of witnesses. Extensive trial experience and preparation is not only the key to winning a personal injury trial, it is also the key receiving the maximum possible settlement amount. Insurance companies need to know that you and your lawyers are ready to fight. If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident, contact the legal professionals at the Law Offices of Roderick C. White and let us make sure you receive maximum compensation ... Dallas: 214-I GOT YOU (446-8968); Fort Worth: 817-I GOT YOU (446-8968); East Texas: 903-I-GOT-YOU (446-8968); Toll Free: 855-I GOT YOU (446-8968) or visit us online at
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:31:48 +0000

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