OPERATING IN YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTING - As every man hath received - TopicsExpress


OPERATING IN YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTING - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as a good stewards of the manifold grace of God.If any man speak,let him speak as the oracles of God;if any man minister,let him do it as the ability which God giveth:that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ,to whom be praise and dominion for ever.amen.1 PET4:10-11-What Peter was simply saying is that every man have a predominant area of gifting and most importantly that every man should operate in his area of gifting.If we are to examine and trace the root of envy,bitterness,blackmailing,criticisms,assasinations,conspiracy,demotions,fierce attack,denying anothe minister access to minister on the altar or pulpit,using lying tongue against another minister on the altar,posting another minister into a dangerous zone,persecutions is simply because you are afraid of their gift and you dont want them to outshines you in the ministry and most of the time it boiled down to this issues that Brother peter said.This verse written by Peter revealled to us what was happening in the early church governed by the Apostles.Men in the church are now trying to live beyond their area of spiritual gifting instead to operate in their spiritual ability .Therefore,by the inspiration of the Holy ghost he wrote to the church of that time but God have also the end time church in mind.The end time church is a type with all manners of sins and even the sin not practicable in the world are now fully established among us,May God save his church.amen.One of such sin been practised in the end time church is living above one spiritual ability but the truth is that God has deposited certain gift in every man and if you are faithful in the little he has given you, he will commit bigger one to you.However,Peter admonishes us that we should not try to do things God has never giving us grace or ability to do.For instant, saying word of knowledge, word of wisdom,thus saith the Lord,Prophesying when actually God did not inspires to do that neither did you received anything from the Lord and you are even bold to say it in the congrgation of the saints.That is a lie and it carries eternal punishment.why cant you operate in your own level.Many because of this irrelevant thing will find themselves to blame in hell fire.I can tell you that all God desire to elevate you spiritually is your faithfulness not your prayer or fasting,once you are faithful to him all the gifts will come;going extral mile,using charms or juju to wash your face and eyes,putting incission on your tongue,swallowing abominable material just because you want to exercise some gifts is total madness.wait in your calling and maintain your gifting and God the owner of the work will equip you for the work.STAY BLESS AND STAY RAPTURABLE.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:16:27 +0000

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