ORIENTATION # 700 : COSMIC - TopicsExpress


ORIENTATION # 700 : COSMIC NOTHINGNESS _____________________________________ From a private conversation _____________________________________ For thousands of years we have been floating in the oceanic question who am I ? where am I going ?, where am I coming from ? and so on.. So many attempts to give solution to this existential questions.. so many stratagems.. so many inventions.. so many illusions.. And where are we now ? Here again.. with this question mark as a companion in life.. if we are not busy in other projects.. Heres comes the guru who tells us to find out who we truly are... And, here again, we listen with open mouth and no attentiveness.. waiting for some truth about to spring out from his mouth.. But what comes out is merely the usual rhetorical mantra such as you are infinite love, you are pure consciousness, you are divine, meant to be, product of god and find it out into your heart ..thats all .. You may get emotional in front of such bombastic terms and elucubrations.. but nothing change .. Isnt it ? Tomorrow you will come back to your usual confusion.. with the question mark again as a companion.. Then you cling to another guru.. another bringer of the truth whatsoever .. and over and over for the next 10.000 years and beyond... So; what is that its not working.. No questions come solidly .. Can you see that in this act of thinking, which looks like a question, who am I, ...there is in reality no question but rather just answer !? The question mark doesnt necessarily mean that there is a question.. Indeed such existential search has already the answer as its very substance: you are searching for a truth able to give a sense in life : you see ? : there is no question; just a prepackaged confused answer the fuel of which is your desire to find out an ultimate meaning in life so to be psychologically safe.. This false question implying the answer already is merely an escapism from your fear to be nothing.. So you want to be someone.. someone meant to be.. with a reason.. a destiny.. a mission perhaps ... ignoring that the moment you possess a mission, a value, a meaning .. the possessed possesses the possessor which mean that there is no place of existential freedom in having a mission.. nor place for the psychological one .. Can you understand the implication of all of these things ? There are no questions, psychologically, just answers: thats the trap we fabricated .. Where are the questions ? Where is the self inquiry ? It is merely the fear of be nothing .. the fear of loneliness.. lets say cosmic loneliness that shapes your urge to find out existential meanings the dominance of which takes place even before the activation of the whole process of thinking ... disintegrating psychological freedom.. When it comes to think existentially, can the mind think about these things through questions.. self inquiries .. but no answers ? We became worshippers of answers .. so we have been for the last 50.000 years and because such a mastodontic trap we came to fight, to destroy, to suffer and to manipulate.. to cover ourselves with the divine we ourselves created to escape fear .. and where are we now ? Where ? We spent thousands of years escaping the fear to be nothing .. but you are nothing: your are existential nothingness .. cosmic nothingness if you like .. so are the stars, so its a galaxy, a nebula and hyper quasar.. and thats why everything exists.. Your mind is nothingness: from there it comes from and there it goes and thats absolute freedom: just the pleasure of questions .. which is evolution.. and no existential answers.. which is stasis .. petrification .. end of mutation.. You that you want the truth .. have you ever asked to yourself how much pain such act of searching gave to you ? How many people have been manipulated, tortured, destroyed because of this search ? How many have cried ? How many have died ? Billions ! What are you doing ? Do you persist along the search aimed to answer who you are ? You are nothing.. thinking nothingness, no matter your bank account, your social prestige or your notoriety, education, belief, culture, ideals, ambitions, consensus, audience and all of these things .. Can you smell the rising scent of psychological freedom, after the initial demotivational mist has dissolved itself ? If so, then you can proceed.. Only when you are existentially nothing, you are free: attentive.. As long you want to be something.. : you become conflict ! : The millenary confusion will comes right the way.. all over the place again .. Think about these things ______________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ jessicamystic
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 01:58:34 +0000

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