OT BREAKING NEWS: TIV PDP CAUCUS REJECTS TARZOOOR The candidature of Tehemen Tarzoor was last night rejected by PDP stakeholders and caucus of Tiv area at the Benue metropolitan Hotels Makurdi. Chief Atoza Hinda who briefed the press after the meeting alongside Chief Ugbah Uye and Atsaga Anemba said Tarzoor has a case of cultism hagging against him which have been widely reported in local and international media in which he has not come out to refute it.he added that the man is too inexperienced to rule Benue state at the moment. Atoza and elders who frowned at the level of involvement of Tor Tiv in politics advised him to withdraw from political activities for the interest of the Tiv nation and called on one Dave Iorhemba to also stop his mischief describing him as a political nyeophte. The elders therefore submitted their report to Governor Suswam to reconvene on Sunday to finalize the arrangement or his successor. It wil be recalled that two days back,Harev PDP elders rejected the candidature of Tarzoor and walk out of the meeting.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:51:10 +0000

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