OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN (The UNIVERSAL FATHER: The GOD of Gods; The Eternal Son: God The Son; The Infinite Spirit: God The Spirit & These Three are ONE) + Three Types of DEATH + Identity of the Eternal Son | (90.3) 8:0.3 We are now face to face with the eternity origin of the Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity. The very instant that God the Father and God the Son conjointly conceive an identical and infinite action — the execution of an absolute thought-plan — that very moment, the Infinite Spirit springs full-fledgedly into existence. https://youtube/watch?v=5kCrnmBViwo QRN 5:72-73 ALLAH 3RD OF THREE; HIS ABODE IS FIRE. (357.3) 32:0.3 Urantia belongs to a local universe [Nebadon] whose sovereign is the God-man of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth and Michael of Salvington. youtube/watch?v=WTKSMS8h0Rc | (74.7) 6:2.2 The Eternal Son is the eternal Word of God. He is wholly like the Father; in fact, the Eternal Son is God the Father personally manifest to the universe of universes. And thus it was and is and forever will be true of the Eternal Son and of all the co-ordinate Creator Sons: “He who has seen the Son has seen the Father.” (76.2) 6:4.2 The Son is omnipotent only in the spiritual realm. In the eternal economy of universe administration, wasteful and needless repetition of function is never encountered; the Deities are not given to useless duplication of universe ministry. (1319.1) 119:8.8 Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon, the chief of ten million inhabited worlds, the mortal home of Christ Michael, sovereign of all Nebadon, a Melchizedek minister to the realms, a system savior, an Adamic redeemer, a seraphic fellow, an associate of ascending spirits, a morontia progressor, a Son of Man in the likeness of mortal flesh, and the Planetary Prince of Urantia. And your record tells the truth when it says that this same Jesus has promised sometime to return to the world of his terminal bestowal, the World of the Cross.* (1318.6) 119:8.7 In this universe age He reveals the Supreme and participates in the actualization of the sovereignty of Supremacy. But in the next universe age, He will be collaborating with the Supreme Being in the first experiential Trinity for and in the universes of Outer Space. The Phenomenon of Death bbc/news/world-asia-30066518 Mark 13:2 Jesus replied, Yes, look at these great buildings. But they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another! MyaNmaR (MyƏNmaЯ) & The Tribe of Menashe (Mensahe) | The Sages & The Messages (Mensahe) Deuteronomy 27:24 Cursed is he who strikes his neighbor in secret. And all the people will say, Amen. 25 Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person. And all the people will say, Amen. 26 Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them. And all the people will say, Amen. Ezekiel 12:28 Therefore say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD, None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever Word I speak will be performed, declares The LORD GOD. https://youtube/watch?v=7peIzk9ib9E | https://youtube/watch?v=PZKiCpFisoY | https://youtube/watch?v=kv3LqkJZ59s | https://youtube/watch?v=lElei4-TUk0 Identity of the Eternal Son | (73.5) 6:1.1 The Eternal Son is the original and only-begotten Son of God. He is God the Son, the Second Person of Deity and the associate creator of all things. As the Father is the First Great Source and Center, so the Eternal Son is the Second Great Source and Center. (74.1) 6:1.2 The Eternal Son is the spiritual center and the divine administrator of the spiritual government of the universe of universes. The Universal Father is first a creator and then a controller; the Eternal Son is first a cocreator and then a spiritual administrator. “God is spirit,” and the Son is a personal revelation of that spirit. The First Source and Center is the Volitional Absolute; the Second Source and Center is the Personality Absolute. (74.2) 6:1.3 The Universal Father never personally functions as a creator except in conjunction with the Son or with the co-ordinate action of the Son. Had the New Testament writer referred to the Eternal Son, he would have uttered the truth when he wrote: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” (74.3) 6:1.4 When a Son of the Eternal Son appeared on Urantia, those who fraternized with this divine being in human form alluded to him as “He who was from the beginning, whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes, whom we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, even the Word of life.” And this bestowal Son came forth from the Father just as truly as did the Original Son, as is suggested in one of his earthly prayers: “And now, O my Father, glorify me with your own self, with the glory which I had with you before this world was.” (74.4) 6:1.5 The Eternal Son is known by different names in various universes. In the central universe he is known as the Co-ordinate Source, the Cocreator, and the Associate Absolute. On Uversa, the headquarters of the superuniverse, we designate the Son as the Co-ordinate Spirit Center and as the Eternal Spirit Administrator. On Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe, this Son is of record as the Second Eternal Source and Center. The Melchizedeks speak of him as the Son of Sons. On your world, but not in your system of inhabited spheres, this Original Son has been confused with a co-ordinate Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, who bestowed himself upon the mortal races of Urantia. (74.5) 6:1.6 Although any of the Paradise Sons may fittingly be called Sons of God, we are in the habit of reserving the designation “the Eternal Son” for this Original Son, the Second Source and Center, cocreator with the Universal Father of the central universe of power and perfection and cocreator of all other divine Sons who spring from the infinite Deities. (1309.1) 119:0.7 The local universe of Nebadon is now ruled by a Creator Son who has completed his service of bestowal; he reigns in just and merciful supremacy over all the vast realms of his evolving and perfecting universe. Michael of Nebadon is the 611,121st bestowal of the Eternal Son upon the universes of time and space, and he began the organization of your local universe about four hundred billion years ago. Michael made ready for his first bestowal adventure about the time Urantia was taking on its present form, one billion years ago. His bestowals have occurred about one hundred and fifty million years apart, the last taking place on Urantia nineteen hundred years ago. Surat Al-Māidah (The Table Spread) 5:114 Said Jesus, the son of Mary, O ALLAH , our LORD, send down to us a table [spread with food] from the heaven to be for us a festival for the first of us and the last of us and a Sign from You [Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23] . And provide for us, and You are the best of providers. 115 Allah said, Indeed, I will sent it down to you, but whoever disbelieves afterwards from among you - then indeed will I punish him with a punishment by which I have not punished anyone among the worlds. 116 And [beware the Day] when ALLAH will say, O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, Take me and my mother as deities [Di/Ti] besides ALLAH ? He will say, Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen. 117 I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship ALLAH , my LORD and your LORD. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness. ISA ibn Maryam: WAS a Son of Mary : IS a GrandSon (Apu) of Mary | العفو Al-ʿAfū (Apu, Apo, GrandChildren) | Joshua ben Joseph: WAS a Son of Joseph: IS a Grand Son (Apu) of Joseph | Isaiah 7:14 Therefore The LORD Himself will give you a Sign; Behold, a virgin will conceive, and bear a son, and will call His Name Immanuel. Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgins name was Mary [MaryaM]. 31 And, behold, thou will conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and will call His Name JESUS. 32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest: JESUS PROMISES THE HOLY SPIRIT [Immanuel/Emmanuel concordance] Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin will be with child, and will bring forth a son, and they will call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Ezekiel 36:22 Therefore say to the House of Israel, Thus says the Lord GOD, It is not for your sake, O House of Israel, that I AM about to act, but for My Holy Name, which you have profaned among the nations where you went. 23 I will vindicate the Holiness of My Great Name which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst. Then the nations will know that I AM The LORD, declares The LORD GOD. https://youtube/watch?v=X-DTME41aqU OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD (1766.5) 159:3.9 Tell My Children (The Greek Pantheon) that I AM not only tender of their feelings and patient with their frailties, but that I AM also Ruthless with sin and intolerant of iniquity. I AM indeed Meek and Humble in the Presence of My Father, but I AM Equally and Relentlessly Inexorable where there is Deliberate Evil-Doing and Sinful Rebellion against The Will of My Father in Heaven.* https://youtube/watch?v=NXtHRPAvvDc Deuteronomy 32:35 To Me belongeth Vengeance and Recompence; their foot will slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that will come upon them make haste. 36 For The LORD will judge his people, and repent Himself for his servants, when He seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left. | WHO IS THE REAL DOOR [THOR?] https://youtube/watch?v=XCTPyEI0sxw Deuteronomy 32:37 And He will say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted, 38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection. https://youtube/watch?v=5JC2Q6M5c3g Revelation 1:18 I AM HE that Liveth, and was Dead; and, Behold, I AM Alive For Evermore, AMEN; and have the Keys of HELL and of Death. Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, AM HE, and there is no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. 40 For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever. 41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate Me. 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword will devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. 43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to His adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. https://youtube/watch?v=DxguAU_KxS8 Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh will inherit all things; and I will be his GOD, and he (they) will be my children (Sons & Daughters). 8 But the Fearful, and Unbelieving, and the Abominable, and Murderers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Idolaters, and All Liars, will have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone: which is the Second Death. https://youtube/watch?v=KWFny8_uw5k | https://youtube/watch?v=WKxDROoOiyY | https://youtube/watch?v=uLihr6lU2iA | https://youtube/watch?v=dpmXyJrs7iU
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:29:27 +0000

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