Oak Grove East/West PTO /Boosters Meeting Minutes September 11, - TopicsExpress


Oak Grove East/West PTO /Boosters Meeting Minutes September 11, 2014 Members Present: Lory Neal, Lisa Stroud, Jennifer Jackson-Casey, Katie Woods, Kelly Beaird, Eric Beaird, Carrie Scott, Carrie Schindler, Kristy Flowers, Mandy Day, Angela Genovese, Tammy Suits and Janel Hart. I. Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Lory Neal II. Teachers in attendance: Cheryl Rolen, Amber Hackbart and Karen Atterberry. Attendee introductions III. PTO Treasure’s Report was given by Jennifer Jackson-Casey. She reported the balance of $11,583.53. Detailed Financial Report was handed out to all attendees. To request a copy contact Jennifer Jackson-Casey. IV. Booster’s Treasure’s Report was given by Katie Woods. She reported the balance of $7,152.64. To request a copy please see Lisa Stroud. V. PTO Topics: a. Chili’s Pepper Partner Program: Lory Neal reported that she is continuing the Chili’s Pepper Partner Program at East. Stated that the program can only run in 3 month increments. Flyer has been sent out with East students and posted on PTO Facebook page. b. Campbell Soup Labels: Jennifer Jackson-Casey reported East has a balance of 7,180. After last PTO meeting in May she submitted 4,970 pts. and received a bonus of 1,616 pts. West balance is 5,176. After last PTO meeting in May she submitted 2,000 pts and received a bonus of 2,000 pts. Both schools received 100 bonus points for updating our profile. Last school year PTO ordered 10 items which used 23,100 pts. Teachers are asked to view order booklet at schools and submit requests to Jennifer for items they would like to order for the school. c. Club’s Choice Money for 2013-24 Fundraiser: After filing a report with the Bartonville Police Department, we were able to collect all funds outstanding. d. Box Tops: Janel Hart reported she did make a submission at the end of last year but total amount was unavailable. She will run an incentive program at the end of September that will run until the end of October at East only. e. Recycling Program: Tammy Suits reported that she submitted two boxes of items that were collected at the end of last year and items that recycling company will now take. Received one check for PTO in the amount of $4.50. Still waiting for second check. f. 2014 School Fundraiser: Carrie Scott reported that the 2014 Fall Fundraiser will be through Great American Fundraising. The fundraiser will include selling cookies, pizza, candy and other miscellaneous items. The students will also be selling photo packages that buyers can use to go online to make personalized calendars. The fundraiser will start September 25th. All order forms and money will need to be turned in on October 15th. Kids will be given several selling incentives throughout the selling period. Students at East that sell a minimum of 15 items will receive a free outing to Monkey Joes with the school. Students at West will receive a school trip to Kartsville for selling a minimum of 15 items. Carrie asked for volunteers during the week of the fundraiser to help hand out the incentive prizes. g. PTO Purchases: Lory Neal reported that her and Jennifer Jackson-Casey during the summer purchased items needed and requested by school staff. These items included: classroom fans, lanyards for West students, a recess equipment box, plaques, mulch for playground, retiree boxes, and (8) eight foot long tables for East. VI. Teacher Checks: Lory Neal reported that teachers received a check for $125.00 for classroom supplies. Checks were delivered during a breakfast sponsored by the PTO. She is asking all teachers to submit receipts for items purchased with the $125. Receipts can be left in the PTO mailbox in school office. VII. PTO Insurance: Lory Neal reported that the insurance policy for the PTO increased from $179 to $266. She asked Mr. Baele whether or not the PTO is required to carry their own insurance. Per the insurance representative that Mr. Baele spoke to, the PTO does not need to carry their own insurance as long as PTO operations are conducted for the betterment of Oak Grove SD 68. Lisa Stroud motioned to cancel the insurance policy. VIII. PTO Budget: Copy of 2014-2015 PTO Budget was available to all attendees. To obtain a copy please contact Jennifer Jackson-Casey. PI Day remains a $1000 budget along with $1000 for the Student Council Convention. Will remove from the budget the PTO Insurance. Motion to approve budget by Katie Woods. Seconded by Lisa Stroud. IX. East Playground: Lory Neal reported that the teeter totter on the East playground is broken. She has received estimates to replace broken teeter totter with a new one from Rainbow Play Systems of Central IL. She would like PTO to pay to remove the old equipment and install the new equipment. An amount of $2,000 was discussed. Tabled idea. Lory will talk with Mr. Baele for his thoughts and to obtain other estimates. X. Fifth Grade Student of Grading Period: Lory Neal brought to the table a vote to include the Fifth Grade students in the Student of the Grading Period incentive. Carrie Schindler motioned and Carrie Scott seconded. XI. Officer’s and Chairhead Positions filled are as follows: a. PTO Officers: PTO President-Lory Neal; Vice President-Carrie Schindler; Co-Secretaries-Jennifer Quine & Tammy Suits; Treasurer-Jennifer Jackson-Casey. b. PTO Committee’s: East Bulletin Board-Stacy Picco; Box Tops-Janel Hart; Campbell Soup Labels-Jennifer Jackson-Casey; Tyson Project-Jody; Ink Jet and Toner Recycling-Tammy Suits; Communication/Technology Coordinator; Carrie Scott and Carrie Schindler; US Again Recycling-Lory Neal; Kroger Gift Card Coordinator-Carrie Schindler; Chili’s Give Back Program-Lory Neal. Breakfast with Santa-Open; Santa Breakfast Food Coordinator-Open; Holiday Shoppes with Santa-Open; Crafts with Santa Coordinator-Kerry Dell; Jody Vanderheydt and Mandy Day-Abbot. Spirit Week/Giving Week Coordinator-Jennifer Quine and Kristy Flowers; Spell-A-Thon-Kelly Beaird; Learn-A-Thon-Mandy Day; Administrative Professionals Day Coordinator-Angela Genovese; Teacher Appreciation Week-Angela Genovese; Carnival Coordinator-Carrie Scott and Kelly Beaird; Teacher Appreciation Luncheon-Tammy Suits and Katie Woods; Room Mom-Tammy Suits. c. Booster’s Officers: Booster President-Lisa Stroud; Booster’s Treasurer-Susan Taylor; Eagle Wear Coordinator-Kelly & Eric Beaird; Dance Chairperson-Carrie Scott. Awards Banquet Coordinator-Charmin Hibberd. Lisa would like to get a Booster’s Coordinator to assist in getting help at concessions. XII. Booster’s: Lisa Stroud reported that Katie Woods is stepping down as Booster’s Treasurer. Susan Taylor has volunteered to replace Katie. Also Beth will no longer be the chair person for Eagle Wear. Kelly & Eric Beaird volunteered to be new coordinator. a. Lisa reported that last year Booster’s purchased Baseball uniforms. This year they will purchase new girls volleyball and basketball uniforms. Booster’s will also be purchasing Scholastic Bowl Buzzers. Last year Booster’s discussed purchasing bats for the baseball team. However, players brought their own bats so they are no longer needed. b. Dances: Carrie Scott reported that per Mrs. Fancher the 5th graders will be able to attend all dances at West. She does not have dates set for dances yet. c. Todd is starting a new Boy Scout troop for boys involved in sports and etc. that can’t make Monday meeting for troop 200. He may need Booster’s to be charter rep like PTO was for the Cub Scout Pack. XIII. Open Forum: Mrs. Rolen mentioned that the vacuum cleaner the janitors use at East is no longer doing a good job at cleaning the rugs. She requested that the PTO purchase a new vacuum for East. Carrie Scott motioned to purchase a new vacuum. Katie Woods seconded. Lory will check with West to see if they are in need of a new one also. XIV. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Thank you to everyone for your participation!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:10:01 +0000

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