Oak Grove East/West PTO/Boosters Meeting Minutes - TopicsExpress


Oak Grove East/West PTO/Boosters Meeting Minutes March 13, 2014 Members Present: Lory Neal, Jennifer Jackson-Casey, Lisa Stroud, Carrie Suits, Julie Inman, Katie Woods, Mandy Day Abbott, Tammy Suits and Janel Hart. I. Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Lory Neal II. Teachers in attendance: Mrs. Lori Webster and Mrs. Sharon Mohr III. PTO Treasurer’s Report was given by Jennifer Jackson-Casey she reported the balance of $15,321.56 IV. Booster Financials was reported by Katie Woods, she reported the balance of $7559.17. V. Committee Report & Misc. a. Just a reminder to the Teacher’s: Please submit Teacher receipts, by April 10th’s PTO Meeting, for the purchased for 2013/2014 ($125.00 Checks), for auditing purposes. If we do not receive receipts for this year, we will not give a check for 2014-2015. b. A plant was purchased for Mrs. Rafool. Her brother passed away. c. Chili’s Give Back Program, 8/26/13 to 1/1/14, received a check for $51.34. d. The cost for sleeves/pockets for lanyards purchased for West was $54.99. e. The Students of the 2nd Grading Period at West are: 6th Meredith Zimmerman, 7th Katelyn Sanders and 8th Jonathan Cordes. f. Another box of Recycling items was shipped by Tammy Suits. g. Mrs. McKown and Mr. Speiden’s wife are having a baby. Lory Neal made a motion to purchase a $50.00 baby gift for each, second by Julie Inman. Jennifer Jackson-Casey will purchase the gifts. h. Jennifer Jackson-Casey reported on the Campbell’s Soup Labels for Education. East Points = 419 and West = 1,069. Nothing new was ordered. i. Janel Hart reported on Box Tops. Contest is over. The contest brought in a total of 8624 entries. 4871 Box Tops, 2568 Campbell’s, 53 Tyson and 92 recycled items. Janel entered/mailed approx. 7500 ($750) Box Tops. The check will be received in May. The Kindergarten classes won the contest. They will get a Cookie and Juice Party on Friday, March 28th. The next contest will be a group effort held in June. Janel would like the prize of the next contest to either slime or dunk Mr. Wagner. j. Pi Day is tomorrow, 3/14/14. PTO reimbursed Lisa Stroud-Booster’s back for $1000 check to Mr. Littrel. This is Mr. Littrel’s 10th Year of celebrating Pi Day. Time will tell if he does it next year. k. Julie Inman is the Chair Head for the Spell-a-thon. Spell-a-thon is for 1st-5th Graders. Julie would like to get the Pledge Sheets out on/by April 7th, testing on April 17th and April 25th. A nacho party will be given to the winning class, date to be determined at a later date. Kristin Miller has not responded to Chairing the Learn-a-thon. Mandy Day Abbott and/or Tammy Suits are going to Chair. Mandy did hear from Kristin. “She said she wants to help, but not chair”. Dates to be determined upon receiving Learn-a-thon paperwork from Kristin. l. Tammy Suits is Chair Head for the Teacher’s Luncheon. The luncheon will be held on Friday, June 6th at 12:00pm. 50-60 attendees. Retirees are also invited. The budget is $500.00. Tammy would like a buffet style set up. She would like to send out an e-mail, to the parents to see if they would like to give a gift to the Teachers. More ideas to come. m. Bergner’s Community Days made $380.00 plus we will get a bonus. n. Carrie Suits is Chair Head for the Big PTO Fundraiser. As discussed in the last PTO Meeting, Carrie would like to move the Fundraiser to March or April-(Spring). We do not want to have any contract on the Fundraiser. Carrie would like to try the Club’s Choice Fundraiser for one more year. New Fundraisers have been presented to Carrie. o. Only 2 more PTO Meetings left (April and May). Lory would like to discuss Chair Heads and Officer’s positions in those next two meetings. Would anyone like to take the PTO President spot for next year? VI. Booster’s a. Carrie Suits reported that the West Dance from February 28th made $245.00 from doors, $218.50 from Concessions, $56.00 Pictures and $8.00 Glow Wear. Next Dance will be a 1980’s Dance, and will be held on April 25th. 5th Graders will be invited. Carrie talked to some Students about the Dances, and a Student recommended inviting one other School to the Dance. (Limestone Walters). This would need to be discussed with Mrs. Fancher and Mr. Wagner. b. Lisa Stroud reported that Mrs. Fancher is requesting that all coaches fill out a requisition form before going to the Booster’s, to see if the School will pay first, or if the Booster’s will pay. Lisa made a motion to purchase 25 new Volleyballs at $20.00 each. ($500 total) Katie Woods and Julie Inman seconded. Lisa made a motion for the Limestone Wood Shop to make a Volleyball Cabinet for $100.00. Katie Woods and Julie Inman seconded. Lisa made a motion to purchase 30 Volleyball shirts from Chris Scudder. Cost per shirt is $45.00-$55.00. ($1350.00). Katie Woods and Julie Inman seconded. Lisa made a motion to purchase Baseball Uniforms. Tops and Bottoms will cost $1500.00 and will be purchased from Chris Scudder. Katie Woods and Julie Inman seconded. Lisa made a motion to purchase 2 softball bats that cost $260.00 each. Katie Woods and Julie Inman seconded. Lisa reported that the Awards Banquet will be held at Bradley on Monday, May 12th. Dinner at 6:00pm, and Awards at 6:40pm. Charmin Hibberd is the Chair Head. Menu is fried chicken, mac and cheese, green beans, assorted cookies/brownies preset on tables.The Pink Out night donated $450.00 to the American Cancer Society. This was from the purchase of cookies, bracelets and tickets. Track may need hurdles. Lisa reported that the hot water heater needs replaced in the building behind Oak Grove West, that is used for Concessions. Lisa is looking into the school replacing this, or she would like Boosters to pay for it. Open Forum: Nothing was presented. Next PTO meeting will be April 10th at 6:30pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Thanks for coming and supporting your Oak Grove Teachers and Students!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:51:19 +0000

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