Obama Announces New American Monarchy I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER A - TopicsExpress


Obama Announces New American Monarchy I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER A MONARCHY, ESPECIALLY OBAMAS!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I’m not sure when the United States of America became a monarchy. It must have happened sometime in the last five years though, maybe when I was napping? What? You think this is still a Constitutional Republic where the legislature makes the laws, the President’s job is to enforce them, and the Courts job is to rule on their constitutionality? You are sadly mistaken then, my friend. Just watch this clip. eaglerising/4155/obama-announces-new-american-monarchy/ You see? We live in a monarchy. “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we are providing Americans the kind of help that they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” said little king Obama. His un-majesty continued, “And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward in helping to make sure our kids are getting the best education possible, making sure that our businesses are getting the kind of support and help they need to grow and advance, to make sure that people are getting the skills that they need to get those jobs that our businesses are creating.” Obama-the-KingOur Chief Executive believes he now has the power to legislate, simply by using his pen and his phone. No longer does he need that troublesome little group of folks called Congress to get stuff done. He can do anything he wants with a quick little jot and tittle. Don’t forget, this man is supposed to be a Constitutional Scholar! I’ve seen High School students with a greater understanding of the three branches of government and the system of checks and balances devised by our founders. President Obama is no scholar, he is a dolt. An ignoramus. Especially on matters of the Constitution. The truth of the matter is that Democrats were right when they complained about President Bush’s use of Executive Orders, and now they are wrong when they defend President Obama’s use of the same “tool.”(He’s already used it more often than President Bush did throughout his entire Presidency.) While the President has some leeway to use Executive Orders, they should be used in furthering his primary mission, enforcing the laws. Many of his orders have done the exact opposite of this. obama_dunceDon’t expect Republican angst or even the Supreme Court’s slap on the wrist to slow down this imperial Presidency, though. Just listen to our President talk – he’s made his intentions clear. “One of the things that I’m going to be talking to my Cabinet about is how do we use all the tools available to us, not just legislation, in order to advance a mission that I think unifies all Americans,” Obama said. “The belief that everybody’s got to take responsibility, everybody’s got to work hard, but if you do, that you can support a family and meet the kinds of obligations that you have to yourself and your family, but also to your communities and your neighbors.” Now more than ever, it is important for conservatives to stand united against President Obama’s attempt at exercising his will as a monarch. He has to let the Congress work…if they are moving to slow for him, too bad. See, here’s the dirty little secret. If Congress is moving slowly it’s because the American people have made it do so. We elected the representatives who can’t come to agreement. We elected the men and women who can’t/won’t/shouldn’t compromise certain principles and/or values. Conservatives want Republicans to vote no on raising taxes, spending, debt, regulations. Liberals want Democrats to vote no cutting taxes, spending, welfare programs and regulations. We don’t want our Representatives to compromise! We also don’t want the President butting in and doing whatever he wants simply because Congress can’t seem to agree. So back off, Mr. President. America is no monarchy and you are no king. eaglerising/4155/obama-announces-new-american-monarchy/
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 16:20:32 +0000

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