Obama, Benghazi and 9-11 There are 3 major world religions at - TopicsExpress


Obama, Benghazi and 9-11 There are 3 major world religions at this time; Eastern religion, Islam, (with over 40 Muslim nations) and western democracy religion or Judeo-Christian belief. Over the last century, there has been significant escalation between Islam and the West. Americans have decided to call this the “War on Terror.” There are two major problems with this “War on Terror.” The first and simplest is that terrorist attacks are viewed as radical Muslims carrying out random acts of violence against Americans. Even if this were true, “Fortress America” is impossible as terrorists are now being produced from within. The much more significant problem with the war on terrorism, is that the war isn’t about terrorism. It is a war of religious ideology. The war on terror is not a war Osama Bin Laden dreamed up. Bin Laden’s attack of the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001 was the resumption of a thousand year war. Americans have a horribly short memory partly due to our country’s relatively short existence. America’s enemy, Islamo-Fascism sees this war from the long view. Long view meaning that Muslims are willing to die for a cause that started a thousand years ago and may not be completed for another thousand years. Americans do not see events this way. Mohammed wrote the Koran between 610 and 630 AD. He claims to have dictated it from the Archangel Gabriel. Mohammed wrote the Koran over a time span of years. The Koran is full of ramblings of war and images of war because Mohammed was at war during the years he wrote it. Americans don’t know that this war went on for 100 years. The Islamic army had moved up the Iberian Peninsula (this includes portions of modern day Portugal & France) to within 100 miles of Paris. In 732 the Islamic army was defeated. Then the Crusades began which lasted 1000 years. The Crusades had major political, economic, and social impact on Western Europe. It resulted in a substantial weakening of the Christian Byzantine Empire, which fell several centuries later to the Muslim Turks. In 1683 the Ottoman Empire moved up from what is now Turkey and had reached the gates of what is now Vienna. Europe was in absolute peril. The Islamic army was poised to conquer Europe. The Turks seized Vienna and for months the people of Vienna were starved and it seemed as though Vienna would fall. At that crucial point, the Polish cavalry and the German infantry broke through the siege line and the Turks were routed and the Islamic army was beaten and pushed back. Europe was saved. The date of this most decisive battle and defeat of the Islamic army was September 11, 1683. THAT it why Bin Laden attacked the Trade Centers on 9/11. The 11th of September is a date of spiritual significance to the Muslims. Americans see the attack on the American ambassador’s headquarters as coinciding with the attacks of the World Trade Centers of 9/11/2001. The Muslims, however, see the attacks of Benghazi as coinciding with the defeat of the Muslim army on 9/11/1683; the same as they see the attacks of the World Trade Centers on that date. They see both of these attacks from the long view. Now, understanding the spiritual significance of the Benghazi attacks on the anniversary of 9/11 is there any wonder that Obama has refused to pursue the killers of our American ambassador? Barack Hussein Obama, who is from a Muslim background, from a Muslim country and whose political policies are extremely sympathetic to the Muslim community, and who bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to show his respect and to announce his support of the Muslim Community. He sends millions of dollars in aid and brand new fighter jets to the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Barack Hussein Obama is not protecting the United States of America in the Benghazi attack. Rather, he is protecting an Islamic religious event that happened on a date religiously significant to Islamic belief. Knowing this, you can see why the up coming mid-term election will be the most important election in our lifetime and possibly in our nation’s history. We CANNOT let the House and Senate go to a democrat majority, giving Obama full power to execute his agenda. Please pray about the mid-term election as well as get involved.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 22:31:23 +0000

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