Obama and Peña and most of the jew illuminati are coming from - TopicsExpress


Obama and Peña and most of the jew illuminati are coming from illuminati schoold, they are slaves of the master illuminati lnkd.in/e_ZgT6s lnkd.in/eWfJitv Again thesis and anti thesis close to WWIII, the jew illuminati are already protected with facilities underground, the jew illuminati might not be anymore in Corporates and Government positions, it is so risky, they are not following national plans or science and technology, it is only jew fake religious believes lnkd.in/eK2h8bB The IPN, UNAM and UAM can stand and destroy the illuminati for sure, the jew illuminati do not believe in science and technology, they are using fake jew religious ideas. Our education similar to Japan and Germany, the States Universities are full of illuminati lnkd.in/eXwPUFD lnkd.in/eQXjaDc For sure they are jew illuminati, I hope not to be the second Guillermo González Camarena, they sold my technology directly to the Rothschild creating SAP and ORACLE, they benefiated India instead of Mexico, China has been destroying Mexico and USA using the fake illuminati ideas lnkd.in/eeKJ4b2 In spite of the effort of the jew illuminati to hide my baby, instinct findings tell me it is part of me, they copied wrong, but my technology called ERP is still there, I would like to work to be integrated with industrial engineering as science lnkd.in/e72Zuk7
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:28:23 +0000

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