Obama has played golf 145 times since he has been president. He - TopicsExpress


Obama has played golf 145 times since he has been president. He is playing golf right now, (the 34th time this year.) The economy is struggling. People across the Country are being laid off or terminated because numerous companies cannot afford the cost of Obamacare if it is enacted. The House of Representatives have made a major move to defund Obamacare while funding the government. President Obama was in Missouri and stated that the paychecks for the Military would be in jeopardy if the government was shut down. That is not true. Nor is it true that SS checks will cease to go out, or Medicare/Medicaid payments. He also alluded to the possibility that the Republicans are against HIM. Poor baby. No dumb-ass, they’re against your Marxist policies that are sending this Country down the tubes. This bloated egomaniac still thinks it’s all about HIM. You have stated that you are a Constitutional scholar,… I surmise that you are a fool to think that we are that stupid to believe we would allow you to trample on it. You are now up against a nation that has awakened to the fact that you are purposely trying to destroy us and we will not allow that to happen. You have shown that you do not revere our Flag, the symbol of our Nation, that many of us have fought and died in protecting it and what it represents. It represents FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY, and a repressive government that is insistent on controlling every aspect of our existence. WE THE PEOPLE ARE SPEAKING LOUDER EVERY DAY. To those of you in congress that refuse to listen, we will be glad to put you in a position where you don’t have to anymore. Obama, most of your sycophants are either hard core liberals or college students that show up for your endless jaunts to the failed schools that have destroyed the very fiber in the students that no longer have the knowledge of what it took to make this Nation what She once was. Congratulations Barry. You hate this Country and you have been fairly effective in destroying Her foundation. If you think that you are gaining ground, you could be very wrong. Possibly a miscalculation. Maybe listening to the wrong advisers. Her Foundation is US, and we do not give up or give in…..EVER ! An Unknown Vietnam Veteran
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 01:42:00 +0000

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