Obama has wanted this, the Repubs are gonna hand it to him, and - TopicsExpress


Obama has wanted this, the Repubs are gonna hand it to him, and game over. Here in Merica, the supreme court (deliberate use of lower case to show disrespect) memorialized corporations as people. With the Transatlantic Partnership and the TPP, both enforced by the US military, corporations can not only sue any sovereign nation over food safety, but any country that refuses to permit the extraction of their resources and the exploitation of their people. Next on the agenda is the approval of the Keystone Pipeline that repubs have as #2 on their agenda after #1 the TPP. Obama, again, will sign it to show America that he can compromise and let the repubs take the blame. Unfortunately, the whole damn thing is a scam. Obama is the chief spokesperson for the dark forces that have taken over our government; recruited, trained, and installed by the Oligarchy, bankers, the military industrial complex, and multinational corporations. The dance between Dems and Repubs is pure political theater, a sickening sideshow. Both are bought and paid for by the above dark forces that are now closer than ever in achieving their goal of world domination. Voting in America is a scam thanks in large part to Citizens United courtesy of the supreme court. On the other hand, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (known as BRICS), have formed an alliance that will counter Mericas attempts. They are doing this through trade agreements among themselves. They are doing this by establishing a bank to take the place of the World Banks, and they are moving to replace the US petro dollar as the world standard. These moves will wreck the U.S. and much of the worlds economies. Those five countries represent billions of people and enormous economies. Russia, China and India are nuclear-armed countries. Not friends of Merica are the nuclear armed countries of N. Korea, Pakistan, and maybe Iran. Merica is now a Fascist country. Tyranny at it finest, when corporate interests, the government, and the military are joined as one. All of this points to a third world war. The question is, will the economic and political needs of the U.S./NATO and their puppet states in the Pacific collide with the economic and political needs of BRICS and lead to a nuclear Armageddon? And of course, neglected in all of this high stakes drama is the survival of life on the planet as Mother Nature is poised to make life on earth unsustainable. There is hope only with the people of the world who are rising up everywhere against these forces that are responding with overwhelming violence. And, it can only be hoped that the men and women in the military here in Merica, and in the armies around the world, will stand with the people they have sworn an oath to protect. Viva La Revolucion.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:02:45 +0000

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