Obama himself has provided ample probable cause for his - TopicsExpress


Obama himself has provided ample probable cause for his impeachment. Consider this very brief replay. He has up ticked the corruptibility of our once free press, not a great feat since our mainstream media was willing and ripe for the urging. He also has swayed Supreme Court rulings for venturing further outside its constitutional restraints than ever before. He defies court orders outlawing his absentee appointments. He adamantly refuses to protect our Nation’s borders, which is in direct violation to our Constitutional mandates, not to mention his job specifics. And he knowingly and continuously lies to the American public with absolute abandon and obvious glee. In addition, he just recently reiterated his future intention of taking the law into his own hands. Last week, in Jacksonville, Fl., during another stopover speech, he told onlookers, “So where I can act on my own, I’m going to act on my own. I won’t wait for Congress.” This defiance is another flagrant episode which exemplifies his complete disdain for American law. The ensuing applause from his listeners was as astounding as it was telling, for it is this ignorance which propels and permits such lawlessness. One final case for judgment should seal the deal. This sham of a President, who exhibits a selective regard for American life, has been instrumental in dissuading, intimidating and threatening those who could offer a truthful accounting of our 9/11 Benghazi travesty. He, along with his “what difference does it make” cohort, are “knee deep” in what appears to be a case of dereliction of duty, which borders on treason, and was highlighted by reprehensible indifference. His morning after response crystallized his uncaring as he embarked upon a fund raising junket to Las Vegas. A demand for a truthful accounting must be heard across the land so that this treachery will not remain ignored. Our Forefathers erected their watchdog system of three co-equal branches of government. At some point, it is incumbent upon our public servants to remain faithful to their oath of office and return accountable service to the halls of Congress. To renege will only raise the level of that ignorant applause
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 16:29:17 +0000

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