Obama missed his ‘golden opportunity’…to ‘do the right - TopicsExpress


Obama missed his ‘golden opportunity’…to ‘do the right thing’…to immediately condemn the threats of violence and incitement of arson and looting…condemn the demands of the mob…the shouts of the protesters that he and Al Sharpton had organized and ‘trained’…their final call…their ‘demands’…what they wanted…’dead cops now’…and yet there was no ‘condemnation’…from the only voice that matters…only the voice of approval from Obama, the approval of the Attorney General Eric Holder…no condemnation or corrections from Al Sharpton…just silence, like ‘moderate’ Muslims after a terrorist event…not saying nothing, and Obama missed his window of opportunity at having any kind of a kind legacy by becoming an accomplice to an assassination execution style of two non-Black cops…’the shots heard round the world’…with the blood on the hands of the man who pulled the trigger…but also on the hands of those who has encouraged this racial division and civil unrest and has instructed the ‘uprisings’ to ‘stay the course’…and has hired Al Sharpton to go across America and stir it up…to kick up the ‘uprisings’ especially after the results of the mid-term election…wherein Americans clearly declared their rejection of Obama’s agenda…and which it seems has been the reason for Obama to consider such rejection a declaration of war…or at least that is the way he is acting…encouraging terror and violence, unrest and lawlessness…falsely accusing the innocent…while secretly supporting the guilty parties…rewarding threats rather than teaching that threats are not free speech…but ‘threats’…a crime…and threats have consequences but never ‘rewards’ (like Sharpton being rewarded as a host on MSNBC after his legacy began with falsely accusing 6 white cops of raping a black teen…like Farrakhan getting away with declaring a hit on Malcolm-X…and once you get away with inciting a riot or arson…when you get away with making threats…the threats will continue and become greater…until somebody inevitably gets hurt…and now somebody has…two dead cops. Obama couldn’t condemn protesters demanding ‘dead cops’…when Obama has not condemned the recent sermon of Louis Farrakhan’s that ‘suggested’ that victory will only come once ‘they’ start killing ‘them’ (‘them’ as in non-black cops-a fundamental doctrine of Black Liberation Theology)…Obama couldn’t condemn the protesters demand for dead cops without appearing critical of Farrakhan’s same message inciting murder…Obama has had several opportunities to set the record straight as to what is free speech and what is a threat…what is free speech and what is incitement…to declare that a Fatwah is not ‘free speech’…that it is WRONG to call for the execution of any first responders…real wrong…a Presidential threat none the less…yet no condemnation or criticism or correction from Obama or Eric Holder…as if they had been altar boys of the Pope who recently declared, ‘Who am I to judge?’…no condemnation…the same message being distributed throughout the government subsidized Church…that it’s wrong to condemn others…and the loud voice of approval is echoed from their silence…no condemnation, no criticism of this incitement to kill cops…no condemnation of this IRS protected podium used as a platform to incite this level of lawlessness…just the threat of killing cops…a sermon that also included Farrakhan’s threat that unless ‘they’ get their own land, independent from the United States, independent from the Constitution and our justice, then they will ‘tear this God Damn Country apart’…and that is a ‘threat’…not free speech…not a protected religious sermon…that is a real threat…a clear and present danger…a threat to ‘cops’ which includes the President and Attorney General…and should the President should heed the wisdom of Al Sharpton who said “just because you’re black don’t mean you’re one of us”. This threat issued by Farrakhan and Islamic supporters is far greater than any threat that could be given Americans by a North Korean leader named ‘Kim’…and that is who Obama wants us Americans to consider the ‘enemy of their free speech’…that North Korea is the great threat…and not the obvious threat…those within our own borders that want to overthrow our Constitution and eradicate our Capitalism and Christianity…threatening to ‘tear the country apart’…and to ‘start killing cops’…that is the threat that Obama is pretending was never made to America…pointing to a movie once again as the cause for an attack on America…that it’s ‘Kim’ and not ‘him’ who is the enemy of our free speech…Obama claimed innocently… ‘no dictator should be able to just come in and start censoring our freedoms”…and we would say to Obama…and no President should be able to falsely accuse another Nation of the crimes that they themselves are committing against the American people…because it is you President Obama… not ‘Kim’ who has tried, and is trying to take away Americans free speech…it’s Obama and Clinton who already addressed the world of their desire to censor our freedom of speech (especially if it insults Islam)…the President has already declared that it’s his job to defend the honor of Islam…(which it is not)…his job, his number one priority (as he acknowledged during his campaign) was to keep Americans safe…not protect the honor or feelings of the Islamist that he has been flooding into America in his attempt to transform America…you can’t keep a people safe by having open borders and flooding the land with those who desire to place us in their bondage and utterly destroy all we consider sacred and holy. We tried to warn them…if only they would have heeded our previous post explaining the importance of their immediate denouncement of this inciting and calling for the murder of the innocents…if only they would have denounced this threat and call for taking this land by force…issued in the same breath as the ‘suggestive sermon’ to start ‘killing them’…and yet no condemnation from the Nations two black ‘top cops’…who had an obligation to speak out against such threats against law enforcement since they are in fact ‘law enforcers’ AKA ‘cops’…not even Al Sharpton… the organizer of the event that had mobs demanding their desire…chanting what they really wanted…’dead cops’…and when you have the President encouraging the continuation of civil unrest, hiring the likes of Al Sharpton…then voicing your approval by your refusal to condemn that which is a threat to our security and democracy…your failure to stand up in defense of what is right and decent and to rebuke those who would dare make such threats against our laws, it’s enforcement, or our justice system…to demand the killing of cops without any criticism is what is responsible for today’s assassination execution style of two New York cops…by a black man who posted his intentions clearly of killing two cops for every one black man killed…that idea had been put into his head by ‘someone’…the idea of killing cops as representing ‘justice’…and that killing cops is doing the will of the people…or ‘giving the people what they want…or in this case…what they demand…’dead cops’…and that’s exactly what he did…went out and found two non-black cops and executed them…a shot heard round the world…a shot with Presidential ‘approval’…and it’s too late now for any insincere apology…too late for the much needed condemnation of the call for killing cops…that incited the killer that motivated him to kill the cops…too late for any speeches like…”If I had a son it would probably looked like that NY cop that got attacked by that man with a hatchet”…it’s too late and Obama missed his golden window of opportunity to condemn the threats and incitement…and now he can wash his hands all he wants to but it won’t change the facts or remove the blood now on the hands of Obama, on Holder, on Farrakhan, on Sharpton and MSNBC…the first blood of your so called ‘Revolution’…is on the hands of those who played their role in this insurrection, in this betrayal of our Constitution and this plan of racially dividing the Nation…all guilty of inciting…all approving of these threats, lawlessness and murder by their refusal to speak out against that which needs condemned, by failure to enforce the law and allow riots and incitement…allowing threats, intimidation and extortion when left unchecked, or worse encouraged, will always result in death…and usually of the innocent victims having been falsely accused. It’s too late now for any condemnation of what the mob was demanding…the killing of cops…it’s too late…somebody already complied with what they were told was the ‘right thing’…just as all those who desire to kill the innocent in the name of justice do…it is what motivates them…it is what they heard somewhere or from somebody…somebody who had incited them into action…some motivational speaker that explained the only way for their liberation is by ‘killing them’…and doing the will of the people, and giving them what they want and are demanding….dead cops…and with Presidential approval, a killer went out to do his duty, and to obey his ‘instructions’ his ‘indoctrination’ to kill cops is to do justice…to kill innocent people, to enslave people, to terrorize and destroy, to commit crimes against humanity…it’s all justified…because somebody had told them it was…and this ‘shot heard round the world’…this beginning of this Revolution they are attempting was a direct result of Obama’s Foreign Policy trying to be implemented in this land…and the people should have the same disdain for Obama that the Egyptian people have towards Mohammed Morsi…to utterly reject his unlawful rule…to voice ‘no confidence’ because he has lost all his ‘legitimacy’ to rule…(as Obama has accused other secular leaders in the Arab World)…to reject Obama like they rejected Mohammed…not because of the color of his skin…but because of the content of the character within…which is obviously lawless and evil…hating the truth and loving the lie…falsely accusing the innocent and letting the guilty go free to continue their desire to eradicate our Constitution and exterminate our faith in Christ…and to ‘kill us’…which the Quran clearly instructs them to do…and why it is a genocide is taking place upon the earth that makes the previous Holocaust pale in comparison…and nobody seems to care…no condemnation…just secretly assisting the enemy…those who desire to take our peace hostage, to take our God given rights and freedoms away. Therefore we are submitting to you Mr. President our vote of ‘no confidence’ in your rule…that you have lost ‘legitimacy’…that you Sir are a liar and a traitor to our Constitution…a domestic enemy of our God given rights and freedoms, a pro-Islamic Socialist thief, guilty of treason and insurrection, intentionally trying to divide the Nation and implementing civil unrest resulting in great destruction and now death and why we must utterly reject you…not for the color of your skin…but for the content of your character within…which has been found wanting at best, but seems to me to be…evil…and contrary if not hostile towards good…loving the lie and hating the truth…and why we must in obedience to the Word and common sense separate ourselves from such for we see no need in dying…nor will we surrender without even trying, to regain what has been stolen, to restore what has been destroyed, to mend what has been torn down…to come together once again once we have all succeeded in throwing off such a sin…as you, those like you, and your administration.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:37:18 +0000

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