Obama pushed, lied, and cajoled to get Obamacare passed. Now he - TopicsExpress


Obama pushed, lied, and cajoled to get Obamacare passed. Now he changes it almost every day (in total violation of his sworn duty under the US Constitution), in order to try to delay the negative impacts that would cost his party votes. Yes, HIS party - not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. BTW, every person in the US will be adversely affected by Obamacare; not just some or most, but ALL. This is why - Obama transferred $billions from Medicare to Obamacare. When hospitals and laboratories receive less money to treat those on Medicare, they must make up for it by reducing services across the board. For example, the number of nurses and technicians must be cut back, or perhaps the time allowed per test or dollars spent per test will be reduced. Many ERs have been closed and many more will be closed as the money reimbursed to hospitals is insufficient to cover the costs. So the big question is this: Insurance companies, under Obamacare, are now charging WAY more for medical insurance than they used to; if that money isnt going to hospitals and laboratories to pay claims, just where the heck is it going? Were talking $trillions folks. Another way of looking at it: People who couldnt pay have for years been treated at ERs regardless of their ability to pay (Federal Law), so hospitals had to make up those losses in higher rates for those who could pay. Insurers paid those claims and still made plenty of profit. In other words, the net costs for medical care have not increased under Obamacare, but the money paid to insurance companies has skyrocketed - where is that money going?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 14:49:04 +0000

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