Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion & - TopicsExpress


Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion & Number Indifference to the appearance of things, opens the way to attainment of reality. The man who has no fear of the external, is the only one who is free. All others are slaves. The man obtains this state of not fearing the external because he realizes that the external cannot give him anything worth having, neither can it deprive him of anything of value. He is, therefore, absolutely independent, because he is absolutely indifferent to either the friendship or enmity of anything, outside of himself. He says to the universe, I need you not. Having become thus independent of everything and everybody outside of himself, he is ready to serve in an absolutely disinterested manner, doing good without hope, expectation or desire of any reward, for the simple reason that there is nothing that can be given him that he wants. As long as man works and co-operates with the idea of mutual helpfulness, mutual assistance, service for service, his good deeds are selfish. Therefore, their fruit must be limited, but when he renounces all desire for anything from another, all expectation or wish for help, gratitude or anything in return, acting purely from principle, he thus removes all limitations from his service. He serves in the same disinterested manner that God does. Therefore he opens the way for an unlimited return. The person who completely cast out all desire for anything in the way of return for his services, immediately opens the way for the greatest possible return. It is the law of balance, bringing back to you whatever you put in. This is the secret to attainment. No one can ever attain the heights except as he follows along this path. The man who has separated himself from all selfish or personal considerations, who does not ask for gratitude or love, immediately opens the way by which he may enter into that unity with the Divine, for he has acquired divine attributes. As God shows no partiality and expects no return but causes The sun to shine upon the evil and the good, sends rain upon the just and unjust, acting from the standpoint of principal absolutely, so man by expressing those qualities, separates himself from all mundane attractions, cuts himself loose from humanity by extinguishing human frailties, and unites himself with God by expressing Divine attributes.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 08:18:10 +0000

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