October 14 Tius Day 55% Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer. DEFENSIVE - TopicsExpress


October 14 Tius Day 55% Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer. DEFENSIVE MAGICK 102 The Basics. Basic defensive magic covers a lot so I will just give a list and include 3 prayer spells of empowerment at the end. Talisman and Amulets: ward off evil and bring good Stones: any red, black or blue ones worn banish and protect while bringing in good Stars: all stars banish and protect. The 7 pointed star is called a Devils trap. 5 and 6 pointed stars depict the directions: north, south, east, west, spirit (5) or upper and lower (6) the 7 adds within or middle spirit relam where 8 and 9 add the lower and upper spirit realms as well. Signs: the X or T as well as O are all used to banish and protect Herbs: there are many but the four best are bay leaf, rosemary, sage and lavender Woods: cedar, pine, juniper. Sandlewood and oak are protective. Incense: frankincense, myrrh and dragons blood Oils: Hexbane, Satan B Gone, Enochs Exorcism Salts: Witches, Reversal and Banish Bottles: Witches Bottle, and blue, green or brown Other: Florida water, 4 thieves Vinegar, Your Circle or Sacred Space Banishing Prayers/Spells: STARHAWKS: Spirits of evil, unfriendly beings, unwanted guests be gone! Leave us! Leave this place! Go now or be cast in the outer darkness! Go now or be cast into the watery abyss! Go now or be cast into the lake of fire! Go or be torn by the whirlwind! By the Powers that be of Life, Death and Eternity, this is my Will so Mote it be...I banish thee! I banish thee! I banish thee! Be gone! St. MICHEALs: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us these days in our battles! Be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of all evil doers and their emmassaries. May the Universal God and Goddess rebuke them we humbly pray and do thou oh great Defender of the Heavenly Host by the Power of all thats Good and Right, Cast into the lake of eternal fire, all that work evil for their own profit and reward. Amen GODDESS BE: Goddess be with me, Goddess be before me, Goddess be behind me, Goddess be in me, Goddess be beneath me, Goddess be above me, Goddess be on my right, Goddess be on my left, Goddess surround me day and night with heavens golden light! Goddess be where I rest, Goddess be where I work, Goddess be where I worship, Goddess be where I play. Goddess be in the hearts of everyone who thinks of me. Goddess be in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me. Goddess be in the eyes of everyone who sees me. Goddess be in the ears of everyone who hears me. Goddess be in the hands of everyone who helps me. Goddess be in the feet of all those you bring to me. Goddess of the Darkness be my sword! Goddess of the Light be my shield! Goddess of the Mists and Time be my armor! So no evil anywhere in any form can fly against me! For I am clothed and I am ready! So Mote it be! )0(
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 18:43:52 +0000

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