Of all the friends who know of me as a realised Sufi ......... - TopicsExpress


Of all the friends who know of me as a realised Sufi ......... Many expect me to give them instant enlightenment like instant coffee and many of them are conditioned to be pure morons of such high magnitude that it amazes even my spiritual masters in to saying, So deep runs the river of ignorance. I would rather let In the first place clear it to all that it is not my endeavor to satisfy all and sundry about depth, reach and scope of Sufi thought and its practical applicability. I leave this up to the seeker as he cannot get a grain more than what he deserves howsoever desperately I may try to facilitate the process of realisation. The reason is that everyone is used to or conditioned to learn or unlearn or not learn something in a certain way and the tragedy is they are not ready to unlearn that. Ironically he or she is bound to use the same methodology in learning anything anywhere, including Sufism. If one goes, for instance, to a school of art, engineering or medicine and asks as to how he is going to be taught, he would be shown the door. Such behavior shows a basic immaturity; where a learner first sits down to qualify his mentor. There are plenty of people who do not adopt such idiotic approach and thus only they deserve the limited time and resources of a Sufi Master who with his limited resources is going to open the door to limitlessness for a truly deserving seeker. For the rest, let someone else do the preliminary work. Just leave and do not waste mine and your time.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:56:15 +0000

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