Of all the various attractions we did this year (houses, trails, - TopicsExpress


Of all the various attractions we did this year (houses, trails, hayrides), the houses stole the show. Hands down. Looking over the seasons travel itinerary, most all of the highest rated ones we visited were houses, and heres the best of the best from across the nation: 5)Fear Fair - Indianas Scariest Haunted House (Seymour, IN)- My entire reason for visiting Indiana to begin with to come to this place. I was given an offer that if Fear Fair did not make it onto my top 5 attractions of the year, that Id have my travel expenses paid for. So how could I refuse an offer like that? Well, Fear Fair delivered the goods, suffice it to say. And honestly, Im glad it did. Because theres nothing quite as disappointing as driving halfway across the U.S. to do a shitty attraction. Thankfully, none of the other attractions we did in IN sucked either, so I was sufficiently happy with my decision to spend Halloween night there, despite the terrible wintry conditions. Besides the VIP treatment we received there, we also were privy to the most extreme and brutal performances at an attraction this year. The actors there were relentless. And the sets and pacing of everything was first rate. I was thoroughly impressed. Enough so to make it my number 5 house of 2014. Congratulations Indiana, you are now on my map of great attractions from across the country! We will be back again soon to see what new tricks youve got up your sleeves as well as to see what other unheralded gems of haunted attractions youve got out there. I look forward to it! 4)The Dent Schoolhouse (Cincinnati, OH)- We were here a few years ago for the first time, and I was a little let down. Id heard so much about this place, and it just didnt deliver. Maybe it was because we were there so early in the season. Or maybe they were just not on that night. Who knows. But one thing is for sure, they certainly did not disappoint us this year. We went opening weekend in Sept, and holy shit, this place was totally unhinged the night we went. Actors everywhere! Amazingly detailed sets, props, animatronics, etc. There was not one wasted moment in the 15 minutes we spent here. Just nonstop carnage. The way it should be! I left this place baffled by how much this place had improved from our previous visit. Absolutely fantastic! If we hadnt done so many great houses this year, I most assuredly wouldve placed this place higher on my year end list. But number four is a respectable number in any case. Keep up the great work guys, and we will definitely be back again some day. Youve got my vote for one of the best, as well as most improved attractions of the year! 3)Factory of Terror Haunted House (Canton, OH)- Continuing with Ohios amazing arsenal of haunted houses, Factory of Terror absolutely crushed nearly every house we did this year with pure awesomeness. It also was my first four star attraction of 2014 (we went fairly early in the season). Not only was this place a bargain, it was the longest house we did all year. At almost an hour long, you more than get your moneys worth here. And its all such a high level of quality. Im still taken aback at their consistency throughout the entire duration of this thing. Truly a marvel of houses this one here. Tons of actors. Tons of sets. Tons of props. Tons of animatronics. And all at such a high level of quality. I was flabbergasted at the lengths these guys went to put something like this together. And to think that we almost didnt come this year. Id been here before a few years ago. And it was great then. But this year they just pulled out all the stops. I really didnt think this place would be beat this season. And by all accounts it wouldnt have been, had we not visited so many kick-ass house attractions. But this place succeeded in entering my prestigious 4-star club, which is not an easy feat to accomplish. So hats off to you, Factory of Terror for annihilating the competition in 2014 and delivering one of the best houses Ive done to date. We shall return again! 2)The Darkness (St. Louis, MO)- To think that my all-time favorite house in the country has been displaced by another is something I never thought Id see. But this year, it happened. And not because The Darkness faltered in any way. Its still a beast of haunted house. You truly will not find a cooler, more detailed, and immersive house anywhere around. Not to mention Hollywood level. The budget of this place is immeasurable. Did I enjoy it a little more the first time I went back in 2011? Yes. But only because Id never been to a 4-star house attraction before up to that point. This place opened my eyes to what one could do with a house attraction. And from that point on, I knew I had to find more like it out there. Hence my cross-country travels. Sure this place is big budget and dominated by animatronics (the most Ive ever seen in one place), but its the very best of its kind. Some detractors have ripped on it for being too reliant on props and mechanical beasts, and not personal enough. And they are partly right. But I come here to be amazed by larger than life sets and beasts. Thats what I expect here. And they more than delivered this year. I really thought this place would be a shoe-in for the number 1 spot. But all things must come to an end I suppose. Still a huge force to be reckoned with, The Darkness will always have a place reserved in my top-shelf attractions roster. But for this year, I just had to give credit where credits due... 1)The 13th Gate (Baton Rouge, LA)- Without a shadow of doubt, the most awe-inspiring house Ive EVER visited. 13th Gate knocked my socks completely off with downright amazingness. Their sets, while hugely detailed, were some of the coolest and most original pieces of work Ive ever encountered at one of these places. Everything from historic London, underwater landscapes, bee hives, boats, snowy caves, you name it. They were all covered here at some point in this attractions 30 minute duration. And to such a level of quality that I was left speechless. I never suspected this place to be as good as it actually was. I so thought House of Shock (R.I.P.) was going to beat it, but twas not the case. We had a blast here. Probably the best time Ive ever had at one of these places. My trip to Louisiana will forever remain one of my fondest memories of 2014. And this place is one of the key reasons why it ruled. If you ever get the chance to go here. Do it. You will not be disappointed. Its just not possible. Sure the line there is ridiculous, but its worth every minute spent waiting. Will I be back again someday? I can only hope so. But considering how far away it is, not likely for a long time. This was the roughest trip Ive ever made, but also one of the most truly rewarding and important ones. Getting here was a major accomplishment. So without further ado, welcome to the number 1 spot of 2014 13th Gate. You guys are truly amazing and dont ever change! You have truly set a new standard in haunted houses and some of the amazing things that can be done within that medium. I am honored to have visited the very best house in the U.S. All others take note!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 01:08:48 +0000

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