Of course Ill do this Julissa! Get ready people! Three - TopicsExpress


Of course Ill do this Julissa! Get ready people! Three things I love about my body: 1. My hair. Ive always loved my hair. While I dont exactly groom it, style it, or keep it trendy, my hair is my hair. It defines my appearance and who I am to others. People remember my long hair, my slightly trimmed hair, and occasionally shorter hair. There are times when I think back remembering, man I really liked my hair back then! I also used to joke with my friends that I had Sampson hair, that my hair gave me powers. Interestingly enough when my hair was longer like a lions mane, I drew a lot more of my characters back then. Ha ha! Also, I like my facial hair. There are many who have facial hair, but this mustache and beard is mine! 2. My hands. Theyre what I create with. Theyre what I use to draw, to write, to create my stories, characters, and ideas. Theyre what I use when I shake hands, when I give a hug (though I guess thats more arms than hands), to give gifts to others, and to express myself and talk to others (something that happens more often than ever Ive noticed). And heaven forbid if I were to lose them, I would find a way to keep creating. 3. My face. There was never a time I could say I was thin, fit, or at a healthy weight. Nor was there a time I could stay proud of my body for long, save for one short period of time. But one thing I can be proud of is my face. At the very least I can say that I have a handsome face. And not just because my grandmother Isabel says I am a very handsome grandson (Love her to death, she always says she loves her beautiful grandchildren). Thanks to past compliments from others, I am a little more confident in myself and in my looks. I dont have the body women love, and Im no George Clooney, Chris Evans, or Chris Hemsworth, but Im proud of the face I have. I love that it has the best of my mother, father, and grandparents in it while at the same time being my own. And with the right people, my face can be quite expressive. My smile is a wonderful part of my face that I enjoy and am thankful to share with others. Hopefully with enough work, someday I may be as proud of my body as I am of my face. But until then, Im good with what Ive got! :D Three things I love about who I am: 1. My creativity. It is the one thing that drives me more than anything. True, I have the undying support, love, and friendship from family and friends to make life wonderful and I am very thankful for that. But what has always pushed me to learn, to try new things, and to follow my dreams is my creative passion. I love nothing more than creating characters, stories, and worlds! I feel alive when I create art, when I create art for a project it is fun and not work, I love that I can create and think of things no one else would have thought of, and when it is wonderful to work with fellow creative artists and dreamers. And more, I love the positive support, praise, and enthusiasm from others when they see my work and listen to me tell my stories. And I hope that when the day comes that all my friends, family, and even the world may see my stories, that they will enjoy them just as much as I loved creating them. To me, my life is worth living as long as I can create. 2. My determination. When a goal is in my sights, there is little to stop me from achieving it. Though some goals are achieved slower than others, the accomplishments I have made have put me where I am today in my education and artistic skill. Once I make the choice to take on an assignment or challenge, I will do whatever I can to get it done. Especially when it comes to art and animation, I can be a machine and just focus on my work and do as much as I can with what time, resources, and assistance I have. Sometimes I make things harder on myself or give myself too big a challenge but Ill be damned if I dont try. And even if I do not achieve my primary goal, or do less than what I hoped to achieve, I can still say I did what I could with what I had. Sometimes I lose that drive or motivation and it puts me back. But look out when I get into the zone. 3. My loyalty. For those of you who are my family, there is no doubt in my loyalty to you. To my mother and father I have nothing but gratitude and love for all that you have done for me. For what you have taught me, for the happy memories, and even the trials we have gone through. Everything has made our resolve stronger than ever. To my beautiful and wonderful sister, there is I may not see my relatives or cousins as often as I like but I am very happy for every chance we see each other during holidays, special occasions, or even just spending time together for fun! If I decide that you are my friend, the skys the limit when it comes to loyalty. All of my dearest and best friends know this. Its not always easy for me to open up but once we become friends, I will be as good of a friend to you as I can possibly be. I will treasure the fun and good times that we had and may have together. I will support you in the good times and the bad. If you call for me, I will come for you. If I have the money, I will gift you with something I know you would love. And when I have little, I will give you my words and give from my heart. And though time and goals may separate us for weeks, months, or even years, when we are together it is as though no time passed at all. I admit, sometimes it is easy for me to lose touch or to forget to drop a message, text, e-mail, or even just invite you out for lunch, a movie, or something we as friends would enjoy. And sometimes I do not say or show it as often as I should, but I am lucky to have you in my life as a friend. And even if we are friends online and have not met, I wish you well. My life is made wonderful by having you in my life for however long and I wish you nothing but the best in all your endeavors and that your life is a happy one. Whether you are my family or my friend, you will always have a special place in my heart and memory. I can only hope you feel the same for me. And thankfully in many cases, I already know you do. And for those who take advantage of my loyalty and goodwill, beware. You will miss out on one of the best friends you may ever have in your life. Yeah, I said it. I nominate Christopher, Anthony, Tanya, Brian, Bobby, Adrian, Michael, Jennifer, Steve, Hedy, Hannah, Jay, Benjamin, Justine, Cera, Danielle, and Tansie, to take the LOVE YOURSELF CHALLENGE and love yourselves! There are far too many Id like to nominate but I say to everyone love your body and love who you are! For you are loved by someone or by many whether you know it or not. :)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:12:45 +0000

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