Of the Greatest NOUNites, Articulate NOUNites, ever progressive - TopicsExpress


Of the Greatest NOUNites, Articulate NOUNites, ever progressive NOUNites! Congratulations to our POP(Pen on Paper) exam students who just completed their papers. We hope you emerge with flying colours. To the rest of us NOUNites, who will be partaking the e-Exams, here are some tips to our freshers, as they may be going through alot of fears, nervousness, & anxiety, against their 1st paper. I know this, because, I went through same, many other students did as well, as we were about to understand a system we are not familiar with. I want you to know that, there is nothing to be scared, nervous, or anxious about. There is nothing difficult about the e-Exams, as some of you may have been forced to believe. Here are just some basic things you need to have at the back of your mind; 1. The e-Exams contains 120 questions. 2. It is a mixture of both theories & fill in the gap. In most cases, fill in the gap takes as much as over 60 percent of the questions. 3. You will be given 70mins for each paper. That is, you have to use your 70mins wisely to answer your 120questions. In some cases, upon late arrival to venues after exams have commenced, if you were allowed in, your time may be adjusted to 45mins or less, as a punishment. While in other cases, you wont be allowed into the exam halls. 4. Nearly 80% of the questions will emerge from your TMAs. So study them well. Have the answers of each question in your head without looking at the options. 5. 80% of everyones questions are the same. But the arrangements of question are always different. The number 1 of the person sitting next to you, may be your number 57. So, you cant rely on looking on the next persons computer for answers. Some of you may feel the time is too little at this point. If you get more than 70mins, then it may have been adjusted by the school management this semester. Otherwise, you get 70mins. Regardless, Ill share with you how to manoeuvre this little time bomb that gives people problem. Before that, you need to know that, below the page of your computer, you will be seeing numberings, ranging from 1-120, in a light greenish colour(or any other light colour). Well, if you click on either of them, it takes you the exact question of that number on your own computer. Here as some tips on manoeuvring; 1. You may have heard this a thousand times while in secondary school, but this is the most useful time youll be needing the advice. Never WASTE time on questions you dont know at your 1st glance. As soon as you dont know the questions, skip it unto the next one. You can always revisit any question you left untouched, as you will see the colour of that number unchanged below your screen. 2. It is important you dont answer questions you dont know, & answer the ones you know. This is because, you may happen to find a fill in the gap question, repeated in Objectives as well. If youve answered the question already, the colour will go green, & you may find it hard to locate the question, having found the answer in the objective. 3. You are required to type your words & spell correctly. If not, you will get a familiar question wrong. Your spelling has to be up to standard to pass. It is a huge determinant factor. 4. Dont even panic as your time roles by. Time is always on your side. You are the one hindering that time on your side, due to your panic. Try to stay calm as much as possible. 5. In case of calculations, you have calculators on the computers, thats for those who can locate it. It is never hard to find. Some of the calculators dont function well for sophisticated maths. But your simple arithmetic can be easily done on it. So, make good use of it, if you find yourself in the position. 6. After you are through with the questions you are familiar with, you can go back to the ones you havent done yet, while you do them comfortably. Now, its important you note that, in each paper, questions are always repeated at-times. Sometimes, a fill in the gap can be repeated twice in your 120 questions, same as the objectives. Here are some other things to consider; - I know we all have bothering personal issues. But, always bring your mind to stay in the exams. Another way to achieve this, is to have proper sleep on the night before the exam. Psychologically, your brain tends to be unsettled when it doesnt get the amount of rest required. It tends to function below par. Do all reading before midnight, & sleep properly till morning. - Now, some people will feel they are computer experts. Theyll feel they can manipulate the computers to their favour. Pls, let know this. In each computer room, you will see NOUN IT staffs behind. They can access your screen at anytime, from their own computer. If they catch you for any anomalies, your name & picture will be published by the school for cheating. Pls, save yourself the embarrassment, by not implicating yourself in the first place. - Some people may think, theyll simply turn on the spell checker to aid their spelling on the computers. Well, sad news; you will be caught easily. So, its better never to try it. Finally, you need to know that, nearly 80% of your TMAs coming out does not mean that theyll contain up to 40% of your 120 questions. Out of your 120 questions, all nearly 80% emerging TMA questions may be nothing more than 45-50 questions out of your 120. So, you have to study other parts of your books properly as well. If we are ever brought together into NOUN for a reason, then it is for no other reason than succeed. We can extend this helping hand to success in each others lives in so many ways. Here is my own way of helping my NOUNite family. This is comrade Shanyl! Wishing everyone Success in their exams! Buena Suerte- Good Luck!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:28:52 +0000

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