Off topic.... but may be of interest to warped minds.... *shrugs* - TopicsExpress


Off topic.... but may be of interest to warped minds.... *shrugs* so thats pretty much everyone here.... I guess.... o_0 Anyhoooooooow.... OMFG!!!!! O_O Watched the THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO! feature length movie for the first time in ....maybe 45 years!!!! Did the memories come flooding back or what?!?!?!?!?!? o_0 I VIVIDLY recalled .... not only sights and sounds .... but SMELLS.... of for the first time EVER being allowed to take my younger brother to the Odeon Cinema in Eastwood (I mean I was like 9... 10... TOPS!!!! he was 6 or 7).... BY OURSELVES ... to see the Thunderbirds movie .... on a Double Feature with Jack the Giant Killer Were talking BIG EF-ING DEAL here folks.... If I lost the little shit or even punched him in the shoulder let alone the face it woulda meant I would not have been allowed out again til I was 30.... o_0 ... My whole life depended on not only ME coming back alive.... but my shit head little brother coming back saying I had not snotted him @_@ Seriously guys.... it was like I was there all over again.... looking up at grown ups.... getting change from 10 cents for a meat pie.... walking past a toy shop that had a Major Matt Mason astronaut figure in the window and wanting it soooooooo badly.... but not EVER admitting it until now because I didnt care what the box said it was a doll not an action figure (I even Googled it ... it was 1969 - the time of the first moon landing.... that Major Matt Mason came out... in fact it was THE first doll/action figure for boys)... Soooooo many memories of that day .... all from watching ONE FRIKKIN downloaded movie.... o_0 Has anyone else experienced this???? Has the acid I took way back when finally kicked in???? o_0 Or am I just losing the plot as I get older??? o_0 OK..... this is maybe an extreme example.... but has anyone ever re-watched a film and had memories of the day they FIRST saw it flood back with such clarity that it is if you are there all over again???? youtube/watch?v=2K9rVRuehGU
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 06:52:18 +0000

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