Often, Shue Design Associates is approached by a potential client - TopicsExpress


Often, Shue Design Associates is approached by a potential client who is speaking with one or more general contractors who are offering to design their home for a very low fee, and they wonder, Why are they so much cheaper than you? The response is that contractors can afford to design a house so cheaply for many reasons. The first is that they usually only provide the minimum drawings required for a building permit, somewhere between five and ten sheets of drawings. How much design can possibly be squeezed into that little space? That alone makes their low fee actually one of the biggest smoke and mirrors cases ever. As well, most draftsmen that work for contractors dont coordinate the structure, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing; those items unfortunately are left to be figured out on-site during construction, most often with detrimental visual implications. In addition to all of that, the lack of specifications (from contractors draftsmen) for all sorts of items can derail the project on many fronts, including schedule, cost, and quality. Shue Design Associates does all sorts of things a contractors draftsman doesnt do, such as: Help you clarify and define your building needs by fully examining your requirements, budget, and building site to help define the scope of what’s to be built. Look beyond your immediate requirements to design flexible houses that will adapt with the changing needs of your family. Manage your project. From site selection to move-in, we act as project leaders. We manage and coordinate key project elements, allowing you to focus on other things. Maximize your investment. Shue Design Associates is a wise investment of today’s dollars for big savings tomorrow. A building designed for maximum energy efficiency can reduce bills now and down the road. Plus, efficient use of space can reduce the total square footage you require. And a well-designed building can reduce initial costs and also increase its long-term value. See the big picture. We don’t just design four walls and a roof—we create total environments, both interior and exterior, that are pleasing and functional for the people who live and work within them. Solve problems. Most building projects start with a want or a need. “I need more file space in my office.” Or, “Weve outgrown our house.” But how does that need or want get translated into square feet and three-dimensional space? That is what we are trained to do: solve problems in creative ways. With our broad knowledge of design and construction, we can show you alternatives and options you might never think of on your own. Need more room for your growing family? We can show you how to enlarge your home so you don’t have to move. We look for ways to make your project cost effective. Shue Design Associates actually helps clients save money because: A well-conceived project can be built more efficiently and economically. We plan your projects with you. As your ideas evolve, changes can be made on paper much less expensively than later on when construction is underway. Thorough drawings also make it easier for the contractor to accurately price and build your project. Energy efficient buildings can save you money on fuel bills down the road by designing your house to maximize heating from the sun and let in natural light, thus reducing your heating, cooling and electric bills over time. We can work with your budget and help you select the appropriate materials and workmanship at a fair price by developing the drawings and specifications to help you get bids for construction that are based on your requirements. We can help you choose materials and finishes that are durable as well as beautiful, saving on frequent maintenance and replacement costs because we work to stay abreast of advances in roofing, brick work, floor tiling, paint finishes, etc. Our familiarity with the full range of materials enables us to suggest the appropriate materials for your project. Good design sells because a well-designed house has a higher resale value. Those are the biggest reasons that our fee is justifiably more than a draftsman in a contractors office. Clients understand right away that our services are actually loaded with value.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:03:41 +0000

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