Oh ! It is well obious that we are not lucky , our duty is only to - TopicsExpress


Oh ! It is well obious that we are not lucky , our duty is only to fight and struggle til the end of this woe in darfur . UNAMID , UNHCR , UNDP , UNESCO , UNCEF , UNMIS , un.....!! i astonish about all these abbreviations what are they mean to the third world Africa particulary , what are the role of these botherings in our mama Africa . Let us to stop all these noise , let us to cook our minds if we are really revolutionists . This is new colonization , came to seize weak people wealths by many tracks , tring to signs enormous agreements with government of Sudan , via alleges we are providing food and shelter plus protection to displaced and refugees people in Sudan . Well furthermore , let us to count how many un resolutions have been declared up to now about Darfur and no one of them carried out til now i am writing this article , since 2003 ?. This is deception to darfurians poor people , we are not poor or weak , we are the people whom first landed aircraft from the air in darfur during the first world war 1914-1918 by ex-fighter ALI DINAR and you know this . Above to these , what said by ex-unamid (aisha albasri) who resigned cuz on going crisis in darfur still alive , her speeches are true and facts on the earth there , daily come about by pro government loyals (janjaweed) malitia . What i want to prove here is that , we are coming soon in Khartoum do not concern dear innocents of darfur anywhere on the earth SLMA is responsible to protects its citizens everywhere in or out + camps . do not care more and depend on un.... it is new colonizer came again with old concepts to controls Africa , look west came back with new clothes lies to ignorants that we are for peace + justice , where are both of them in dar4 if true ?! . Bob marly said to black people : wake up for your rights , bob marly said it not solution . Martin luther king said : i have a dream . Barack Obama said : yes we can . O ! How about we darfurians ....?? . Finally , one of African struggler of human rights said : when arab entered in Africa they built mosques in order to let Africans to pray and holding hands for long time for nothing , allege that is worship of god , and they went for trading !. Also missionarists in Africa built churches for saying prayers , you kow why to let African illiterants inside churches . And they went seizing Africa land for their own interests . Wake up enough no much sleeping shadows have gone and left you in sun shines burning + suffering . Wake open your sights and eyes . Tíbó Tumunyíŋ Kwě Duóbain.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:31:55 +0000

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