Oh Japan!: Halloween - TopicsExpress


Oh Japan!: Halloween accessories justdubsonline.net/oh-japan/halloween-accessories Hello everyone, its me again your lovable media mod Ella Serenity!! Its been a while since I have posted one of these articles. I have been a bit busy job searching. Real Life is a pain sometimes. Who all agrees?? Anyways for the month of October Im gonna try to stick to a Halloween theme for my article. That is if I can find some good material to write about. But I usually always deliver. Before I get started would also like to suggest everyone check out the AMVs this month, have some awesome Halloween themed AMVs to come ;) . We also have some fun contests that are taking place as well, check them out. Show off your talent but most of all have fun. :) Now back to the case in point, the article ;) So upon searching for material to write my article today, I came across some Halloween lashes, and whats a good Halloween costume/ cosplay without Halloween themes lashes? Yes you heard that right Halloween themed lashed. (this isnt just for girls, guys can wear them too, why not throw in some glow in the dark contacts to add to the spookiness) Daiso, a discount store in Japan, where everything is 100yen (US 1.00) is selling an impressive variety of Halloween lashes. Some featuring cobwebs, haunted houses, swirly stars, some with feathers, some are various colors from black, to orange, black and orange, pinks, black and pinks, and soo much more. Darn if only I lived in Japan... Soon, very soon....Japan better prepare for my arrival**insert evil laughter** Lol had to have a little fun. But seriously I would purchase a few of these, maybe just to do photos with since I like to cosplay a bit myself But fret not for those who are unable to go to Japan to do a little shopping. You can find the same lashes online. After doing a little research I found a nice site where you can order some of the same lashes for about .50 cents more with S&H. aliexpress/popular/halloween-false-eyelashes.html So guys and gals, How many of you would purchase this accessory to add to your costume? *Raises hand** I would I would Or do you think its a waste or time and money and would prefer to put that money towards something else? hmm well I could make a $1.00 donation to the site to help keep it going hint hint ;) Whatever your preference if you decide to purchase said lashes and would like to share a photo of you wearing them. Please feel free to post an image in the forum of your Halloween lashes. We would like to see how you would wear them. Whether with crazy scary contacts, a wicked costume, or even just showing off your eye with a set of lashes. Until next time readers. Ta Ta for now ~Miss Elegent Serenity
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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