Oh lordy.... good deed done and I was terrified at first. Mom - TopicsExpress


Oh lordy.... good deed done and I was terrified at first. Mom leaves the house then I hear knock knock knock... I open the door and say miss me already mommmm.... oh crap its not my mom. A big black homeless guy is at my door. He is 6 5 or taller and is a giant teddy bear. He asks if I could spare any change or warm clothes. I told him I have zero cash or change on me. Then I notice 2 young girls behind him on the sidewalk. I invite them in and tell them to warm up a while. I gather a blanket and my new socks I got from xmas as well as some hoodies I just washed. He kept saying thank you for trusting a stranger in your home. I about started balling. The girls looked frozen and hungry and his wife died last xmas and he was a war veteran. They sleep under the bridge by my house. I lost it and started crying. I told the girls to play with my dogs and I would be right back. I went to the gas station and took out 40 bucks from the atm and I shared the story with the clerk. They emptied their hot dogs and other snack items that have a 3 hour shelf life of being on the warmers for me to give them. I then came back worried my belongings all would be stolen and I came in with the food and cash and hand warmers I bought and the guy hugged me and started crying saying no one has ever trusted them in their house and he could finally get some gifts for a late xmas for his girls. He said being a big black man is impossible to get help or compassion. I told them to stop over anytime and I would make dinner. I sacked up the chips and crackers that they could eat and gave them all hugs and drove them back home aka their overpass. Please never stereotype homeless. Stop and have a conversation and walk a mile in their shoes. I only wish I could have sent them with more. Please save your money in the pay it forward starbucks drive through and put your money to good use. There are so many needy people besides the rich entitled yuppies in starbucks lines.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:56:28 +0000

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