Oh... the many times, in my personal journey of growth and - TopicsExpress


Oh... the many times, in my personal journey of growth and development that I thought, If (fill in name of your friend/family member/colleague) would just do (fill in name of the modality/supplement/seminar/book), then their life would be so much better! Have you had similar thoughts? Of course you have, because you care about those you love, because you are on the cutting edge of exploring information that changes lives, and you just want more people to know this life-changing information, to make better choices, to find more happiness, joy, health and abundance. But I learned a lesson many years back thats encapsulated in an old saying... You can lead a horse to water...but you cant make it drink Its been my personal experience that the best way I can help others is to: A. Do my own work first: BE the change... B. Share with passion and enthusiasm but WITHOUT attachment to the outcome, i.e. whether the horse drinks or not! And theres actually a tapping process that Ive used to support that path, called surrogate tapping. Now, I often think surrogate tapping is slightly misunderstood, in that people think, Oh, I can just tap for someone else and FIX them, - i.e., I can make that horse drink! - whereas I believe the real power in surrogate tapping is to first help us clear our own emotional attachments, stress, anxiety and overwhelm about the situation/person/challenge. What Ive found to be really exciting about doing this is that when we do our own work first, THEN THE MAGIC HAPPENS. I cant fully explain it, but Ive seen it again and again in my own life and in those who have done this process. So if theres a situation youre struggling with, if theres a person who you love that you are stressed out and anxious about, if theres someone you want to help, then take a few minutes to try this free #tapping meditation. Watch the short video by Jessica explaining the process and then use the 16 minute meditation on the blog: thetappingsolution/blog/surrogate/ Enjoy! - Nick
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 13:59:45 +0000

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