Oh yay! Finally, I figured out how to play music from my Kindle - TopicsExpress


Oh yay! Finally, I figured out how to play music from my Kindle music library at the same time as having Facebook open! ...puzzled over it a lot of today. So thankful:) The therapists I was able, because of Holy Spirits speaking thru me, to enable to see my heart...even the one man who was very abrasive and dismissive to me before today in therapy. I was doing an arm exercise and commented that it hurt my left shoulder. He said, Why? And I said because it hadnt healed from a wreck. To which he said, From years ago? And I looked at him and steeled myself and said, No, not even quite two years yet, actually. And then in as few words as possible, I told him about JIMs death, the wreck, the boy texting and driving into us, my own near death and extensive injuries...one of which was a broken collarbone that may never fully heal. I was glad to see that this bothered Mr. CYNICAL VERY MUCH.. He questioned me closely as to the boys injuries (zero physically), jail time (ditto), any punishment (none except his guilt...And when I told him what the D A said as to why he refused to prosecute the boy, I actually thought the therapist might throw his dumbbell on the floor in anger and disbelief. ( The boy was 17 and black, and Jim was an old white guy. Which would have cost the D A his job, he told my attorney. My sweet Jim was barely 51 when he died.) The groupies patient in the place was also doing therapy with me and she listened with expressions of horror on her face. When I had said everything necessary role the therapist, he lady asked me how could I laugh or be positive and I said, It is Jesus in me. She smiled and said, Well, He sure does come out in you, honey! And then I encouraged her to do wheelchair pushups...what I was doing...by telling her to take baby steps, go slow, and stop saying I cant...to. say, I can. That maybe it will take a little practice, but I CAN. That Jesus will help us. That He wants us to think on what is pure and good and positive. That there is a blessing in every situation if we will look for it. Peter, the therapist. Had not said anything for quite some time, but he sneered then. Where is the blessing in the wreck that took your husbands life? And I said, calmly, It forced me to throw all of myselF on God in everything. And Peter shook his head, muttered,,Unbelievable, and the conversation went back to therapy. Later, in that meeting with me and Kathy, he thanked me for all the positive encouragement I had given to Nadine, that he had never seen her smile during six weeks of rehab, never seen her make an effort whatsoever to exercise, and never seen her be interested in anybody but herself until yesterday and today when she and I had therapy together. I grinned and said, I am so glad for the opportunity to shine Jesus to Nadine, Peter. He said, Do you never take credit for anything, Bton? And I answered, No, because my Jesus has done everything for me! A couple of the other therapists murmured Amen, on my left side, and I felt Jim and Holy Spirit were present. I am recommended to go home by my birthday, April 11. So honored to be a clay pot for the Three to shine Their awesome Love through! Thanks for all your prayers :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 03:13:23 +0000

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