“Ohio State Police Report Missing Person’s Report case file - TopicsExpress


“Ohio State Police Report Missing Person’s Report case file #309. Victim’s Name: Colin B. Mace Age: Estimated around 25. Date of Occurrence: January 4th, 2003. Case Analysis. July 16th, 2013. There was a missing person’s report case opened up on January 4th, 2003. We have reopened the disappearance of Colin B. Mace after more recent disappearances discovered. It is estimated that Mace was around the age of 15 when he went missing. Recently we came across an old tape. This tape shows no evidence of tampering and only features one voice until the very end where we have identified someone else’s voice. This tape is a recording that we believe is Mace. He explains his surroundings and attempts to explain the appearance of the suspect before being abruptly cut off by a period of static. This continues until the end of Mace’s explanation of the suspect’s appearance. May 24th, 2013. I can’t explain the you where I am exactly, but I do know Katz will be coming soon. He can’t just lock me up in this insane asylum forever. Eventually he will kill me like the rest. I do not understand why he has waited to kill me for 10 years, and Yes, I have counted TEN whole years. I have lost track of the days, but I suppose the tapes will tell you if you’re interested in knowing. I don’t even care. I’m recording this to warn anyone who enters his territory. Katz will know you’re there the second you step foot in this place, so I suggest you don’t even bother. If you do have a death wish however, come on in I’ll tell you a story if you’re brave enough to go in the basement, let alone enter the hallway. I used to go to Pine High until it was immediately condemned with no explanation. My friend and I went to check out what was up with all the rumors about lockers and for more answers on why it shut down. We were told never to go back, but I live a ten minutes’ walk away so opportunity was in our favor. We should have gotten out when we heard him in the school, but being high school kids you’re curious. So I begged Jared to come with me to investigate upstairs. If you find this, leave. He’ll come for you if you don’t just leave. Maybe you won’t even have time to make it out. Maybe he’ll be gone by the time you find this if you’re lucky. I’ll explain what you shouldn’t have to see with your own eyes. Katz. How do I know his name? He told me. He yelled it in his scratchy, pitchy voice through the school when I was “safely” hidden inside a janitor closet. Our common mistake. We hid in the nearest door at the top of the stairs. He found us. He dragged Jared out by his ankles and slammed his hatchet into him. I screamed and tried to escape, struggling, kicking, hitting…clawing. He dragged me away from the horrific scene of my best friend lying there with his stomach torn open. Why didn’t he kill me? Because I’m special to him somehow, someway. I don’t know why, but he’s saved me all this time just to probably butcher me like the rest. The first thing I should tell you is Katz is not your average physco serial killer. He’s…different. His appearance…is kind of strange and you might not believe me, but someday you’ll learn. If you’re UNLUCKY. You may have guessed. His name fits the appearance. He looks like a- The next segment is disorientated by a long period of static in which you cannot make out the narrator’s voice. The recording returns with Mace concluding the suspect’s appearance. I remember waking up on the rough mattress provided to me in this little cage like area. Katz of course, nowhere in sight. For the next 10 years everything appeared on a schedule. Food everyday on the table beside me when I woke up and everything provided to me except answers. Sometimes I heard screaming from above and the screeching and grinding of his hatchet against the tile. Eventually fear seemed to just seep away from my emotions. I didn’t feel it anymore. I didn’t seem to care about anything anymore. Recently I’ve began to wait. I’ve began to await his appearance. I’ve been patient. He’ll come around some time. He won’t keep me away like this forever. Nothing’s ever changed. One day, while shuffling through the bottom cabinets in the desk that sits in the corner of the room I found a cassette recorder and tape. I figured I’d document all the things I saw down in this purgatory. Maybe someone will find this and find me? I can only hope. Hopes almost gone though. So I’m left to ask myself how I got in this STUPID situation. Ah, the curious minds of teenagers. We wanted answers about the school shutting down, and I sure got em’. Oh poor Jared of course never found out what was in those lockers that made the school board go insane, but I did. Occasionally I’d see out my little fenced cage, Katz nibbling on someone he’d brought down here. After finishing he stuffed them with feathers and shoved them inside a locker. After a while I began to not want to see the sick image anymore and I found myself covering up in blankets to shield myself from the hideous sight. He’s never bothered to acknowledge me since he dragged me down here, though. Never talks, never looks, and never cares. Except for his friendly gift of food, I barely hang on to the fact he realizes I’m here. I DON’T CARE ANYMORE. THERES NO HOPE. Wait…do you hear that? The hatchet… what a perfect example right? You hear it? Shhh… don’t give yourself away…He didn’t bring someone…He’s coming for me… Hello Mr. Katz, I’ve been expecting you. The remaining 16 seconds of the tape feature a new voice. We concluded that it is the suspect. His voice is pronounced in a scratchy voice as if someone with a sore throat was talking, all though it is loud and indecipherable. July 19th, 2013. After more research of the school, we found countless numbers of bodies and blood. Lots of blood. Especially in the basement where everything Mace described is down there. We found no clues or evidence, but the odd thing is on most of the bodies is a trace of animal fur. We concluded its cat fur. It’s rough, and very bloody, but it was tested to be cat fur. Yesterday,(July 18th, 2013) we located a small, abandoned house only a quarter of a mile from the school. In this house we found Mace. He was locked up. Right now, hes going through theory for his post-dramatic stress. He’s only said a few words since bringing him from the house. The words vary from different levels of indecipherable gibberish to him murmuring “there’s no hope”. What was found as well in the house was as if the suspect made a home for himself there. Besides the wood structure deteriorated from time and many insects, one room has many pictures with people and children on them and a small mattress. Mace was locked up in the basement. After many hours of looking, we found another tape. This one on the other hand, was more…recent. July 6th, 2013 You’re special to me. How? Would you like to help me? I’m kind of hungry. Help you? Why would I help you KILL people? I’m only hungry. What’s your name little boy? Eat something normal then. And I’m not a little boy anymore. ANSWER MY QUESTION. My name is Colin. I’m not helping you. Maybe if you tried some, you’d understand how delicious it is. I sell it at the deli. You work somewhere? How do you hide all that? I wear a hat. People enjoy my food. That’s sick. What about your tail? It’s not that hard to hide Colin. You can help me. WHY? HOW AM I SPECIAL? WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST KILL ME? Because I love you. You barely know me. I’ve watched you since you were a toddler. There’s no hope. There’s hope There’s no hope. There’s no hope! THERES NO HOPE! There’s hope. NO THERE ISN’T. WHY DO YOU LOVE ME? WHY WERE YOU WATCHING ME? Because I love you. ANSWER MY QUESTION. A long period of silence continues for the next 27 seconds. Then we were intrigued by the rest of the conversation. Because you’re my son, Colin. My father is dead. No, he’s not, he’s right her Colin. YOU LIAR! Did I ask you you’re middle and last name? No. Why does that matter? Colin. Broil. Mace. You’re sick. I’m not sick. We are not related. We all are sick. After the tape, we wanted to talk to Mace, but he was too out of it. He’s been placed under high security and goes to therapy twice a day. We hope someday we’ll get something out of him. Thank you, Detective Scott. September 7th, 2013. After an astounding round of therapy and trials, we had finally got enough sanity back into Mace to have him explain what happened. Here is the recording of the conversation. September 6th, 2013. Scott: Colin, can you explain what happened? Mace: W-we only were curious. But he wanted us and he thought we were special. Scott: Who? Mace: Mr.Katz. Or i-if you want to, you can call him Mr.Mace. Scott: What does he look like Colin. Mace: He’s a kitty-cat. Scott: What does he look like? Mace: He needs to clean up. He has a lot of blood everywhere. He has big fuzzy ears and a really skinny tail. B-but the rest of him is just normal like me. Oh! And h-he has kitty-cat eyes. Scott: Are you sure this is what he looked like. Mace: yah. Scott: Is he truly your father? Mace: GET HIM AWAY FROM ME!!! WHY IS HE HERE? NO! I DON’T LIKE HIM. NO! NO! NO! Scott: There’s no one here Colin! Take a deep breathe. Mace: I don’t like daddy. Daddy is mean. He hurts people. And he eats them. Scott: You’ll never see him again, Colin. Mace: Good. Scott: So how old were you when you were kidnapped? Mace: f-fi-fifteen. Scott: Would you like to see your mom? We finally located her. Mace: Yes. Scott: Bring er’ in. Mrs. Mace: Colin! Are you okay? Are you harmed? Mace: No, this nice man was just talking to me about kitty-cats. He asked me what my favorite kind was. Scott: Colin is going through a very severe amount of post-dramatic stress. We took him in to have him explain what happened. Mrs. Mace: He’s not ready. Come on Colin lets go. Mace: We were going to play legos though. Scott: We’ll hear back from you, Colin. Mace: Bye!” He’ll get over his stress soon. I hope. I can only hope he’ll get over it. Peter still thinks his name is Colin and all that terrible stuff happened. I almost sued the doctors for not trying harder to pull him out of his coma. He was in it after falling down the stairs 2 years ago. It’s been over a year since he woke up. Sometimes he wakes up, yelling for us to take “Mr.Katz” away. I’m Shawn James. Peter turns 16 in a week. We still cannot trust him driving because of his anxiety. We really hope he will recover. The doctors still do not know what caused the coma and what caused his suffering and nightmares. We hope someday they will reach a break-through and cure Peter of his suffering. For now we can only pray for him. We do not live in Ohio. We live across the country in Washington. Peter goes to Bellevue High. Every day he tells us a little more about his dreams while being seduced under the coma. I think it’s been helping him recover, because he puts “Peter” as his name for assignments now. Will he ever recover fully from this? I can’t imagine him fully recovering from the horrific images his mind created and his nightmares, but maybe someday he will accept who he really is.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:44:06 +0000

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