Ok 5000, fair warning: Tonight, it looks like both Lucy Cavendish - TopicsExpress


Ok 5000, fair warning: Tonight, it looks like both Lucy Cavendish and I are featured on a peice on The Project on witchcraft. Now, as someone who has done my fair share of media, I understand a few things. Firstly, I do everything I can to speak as well as I can and ensure that things are reported in an accurate fashion.Secondly, the producer asked intelligent, well researched questions so Im hoping that this will be a positive story- but I do not have final control obviously on the story. Editing is the key as always. Thirdly, I speak only for myself not any community or other witches. What I say is my learned opinion. One of the joys of being pagan is that there is no pope, no Dali Lama, no archbishops, no grand poohbahs -so I do not pretend to speak for all. And finally the real warning: Every single time I do TV, whether its positive or negative, there is a reaction. Most times that reaction is really positive and supportive with people engaging in a curious way- but also, EVERY TIME, by sticking my head up I become a target. I become a target for those to make fun of who dont understand us and I become a target of derision and hatred for skeptics/unbelievers/extreme Christians. But most horribly, I become a target for other witches and pagans the majority of whom have never ever met me or read my work. David Garland from the Pagan Awareness Network put it best once: Coming out of the broom closet is easy compared with standing up and out in our own community. So right now, let it be again known, that you may see utter bulls**t around tonight and the next few days and even on this page. You know what to do. Dispell the incorrect statements if its educational and then let the trolls eat themselves.Me? Im taking Captain Pauls advice: The voices of my enemies are like farts in a windstorm. :)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:49:04 +0000

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