Ok Im going to post something at the bottom of this post that I - TopicsExpress


Ok Im going to post something at the bottom of this post that I did NOT get from the bible. This is just something that I thought up. We are suppose to be watchmen for the Lord, and I am always watching for him. Jesus told us we would not know the day or the hour, but we would know the time and the season. Mark 13:32 32 But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 33 Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come. But Jesus also told us in Matthew 16:1 when the sadducees and pharisees came to him demanding that he show them a sing from heaven, this is what Jesus said to them. I tell you, you guys, you beat all I ever saw. When its evening, you say, It will be fair weather for the sky is red. Then, in the morning you look up and notice the sky is red and threatening, and you say, It will storm today. Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times? Whats Jesus referring to? Hes referring to the fact that the Hebrew Scriptures, which these men had been studying all their lives, contain over 300 hundred prophecies about the First Coming of the Messiah. If you boil them all down youll come out with about 109 separate and distinct prophecies about the First Coming of Jesus. These prophecies foretold everything about His life — where He would be born, how He would be born, that He would go into Egypt, that He would live in Galilee, that He would heal people and love people. All aspects of His ministry were prophesied. Take His lineage for example. It was prophesied that He would be descended from Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and David. The last days and hours of His life were prophesied in incredible detail. The prophets said He would be betrayed, by a friend, for 30 pieces of silver, that He would be lifted up, and that He would be pierced in the side and in His hands and feet. Every aspect of His life and death was prophesied. Now, Jesus is fulfilling all those prophecies before the very eyes of the Scribes and Pharisees. Yet, they are demanding a sign! So Jesus replies, How blind can you be? Im fulfilling the signs of the times. Now heres the point: There are 300 hundred prophecies about the First Coming of Jesus in the Old Testament, but there are 500 — five hundred! — in the Old Testament about His Second Coming! In other words, there are many, many, many more prophecies about the Second Coming of Jesus than His First Coming. Probably twice as many. Why so many? Because Jesus is returning in wrath. The first time He came, He came as a compassionate Savior with tears in His eyes. But when He returns, He is returning as a conquering warrior with eyes like white hot flames because He is returning to judge and make war against the enemies of God. And so, since God does not wish that any should perish, He has given us sign after sign after sign to watch for. Listen to what He says as he describes these signs. In Matthew 24:8 Jesus said the signs of nature will be like birth pangs. Jesus tells us that in the last days difficult times will come. Were in those days folks. Paul continues: Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure, men will be boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Men will hold to the form of religion — the form — but they will deny its power. Thats the society of the end times. In 2 Timothy chapter 4, beginning with verse 1. He says that we are to preach the Word in the end times because he says the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside into myths. All kinds of myths. All kinds of heresies. All kinds of gross apostasy. The number one rated Christian (quote, unquote) Christian television program in America today is a program that does not preach the Gospel. It preaches instead the power of positive thinking and tells you that you can pull yourself up by your own boot straps. And many of the other so-called Christian television programs are caught up in all kinds of prosperity teaching, saying if you will accept Jesus, He will make you a millionaire — all of which comes from the pit of Hell. I dont know if youve ever noticed this, but a lot of times when God would give prophecy to Old Testament prophets, particularly prophecies about the end times, they would react by saying, Lord, I dont understand this prophecy. The Lord would usually respond by saying, Cool it, its not for you to understand. It will be understood when the time comes for it to be fulfilled. Take, for example, Daniel 12. In this chapter youll find Daniel complaining twice to the Lord that he does not understand the end time prophecies given to him. The Lord tells him to forget about it because, as the Lord puts it, these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. The state of Israel was reestablished on May 15, 1948, clearly fulfilling the prophesies in Isaiah 66, Ezekiel 37, and Zechariah 12 that the nation of Israel will be existing in the end times. Jesus emphasized this point in his teachings about the end times. In Matthew 24 He said for us to watch the fig tree. The fig tree is a common biblical symbol of Israel. Jesus said when the fig tree re-blossoms, the generation that sees that happen will be the generation that will see all the end time events come to pass. The state of Israel came back into existence — it re-blossomed — on May 15, 1948, and I believe with all my heart that someone who was alive in 1948 is going to see the return of the Lord. It may be somebody who was two years old in 1948, and they may be 80 years old when the Lord returns — I dont know — but I believe someone who was alive then will live to see the return of the Lord. So now, I will get to the point of my post. I was laying in bed last night thinking about the Lord comming back, And this came into my mind. We know that the time of the Locust is May-September, and we know that God is a mumbers guy. So I believe these months are very important. The bible also says, it will be like the days of Noah. We know the ark floated on the water for 5 months, and Now the Nation of Israel is 66 years old. We know from scripture that once satan gets here, he will only be in power for 2 1/2 months. So I was thinking if Satan shows up in June of this year, this would be the only time where Israel would be 66 years old, and if Satan shows up in June that would put the numbers at 666. Im not saying that anyone told me that this date is important. Im just always watching and waiting for Jesus to return, I cant hardly wait for him Im so excited, because I know its soon. so Im always trying to figure out when it could be. Theres nothing wrong with this, we are told to be watchmen and Im always watching.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:28:52 +0000

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