Ok...SO I JUST SPENT THE MOST AMAZING TIME WITH A PERSON IVE NEVER EVEN MET BEFORE...the first day we met was today at her ranch :) She is a strong passionate woman who only problem is..is that she doesnt have more people sending her money for her rescue!!!! This woman has not only just had a baby and surgery...but found time to walk with me around the ranch showing me dogs...puppies...cats...and horses....SHE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!! I know that there have been some things said that to me as a rescuer find disturbing to hear....Melissa Yost at StartingOver Ranch informed me that people have been accusing her of abuse...animal neglect..and other things I just cant even believe....HERE IS WHERE I GO ON A LITTLE RANT!!!!!!! I APOLOGIZE IF ANYONE FINDS THIS OFFENSIVE...BUT US AS RESCUERS NEED TO DEFEND PASSIONATE PEOPLE LIKE THIS TO SAVE THE ONES THAT ARE STILL IN SHELTERS OR CANT FIND HOMES OR JUST PLAIN ABANDONED....rescuers fighting against other rescuers just because isnt right...all of us know that rescuers have a WIDE variety of people working for them BUT OUR GOAL SHOULD AND ALWAYS BE THE ANIMALS WE SAVE....when did it start being about this and that and who can do this better or not...WE SAVE ANIMALS!!!! IT IS ABOUT THEM NOT US!!!! WHY ARE WE FIGHTING EACH OTHER AND NOT THE PROBLEM (helping dogs get out of shelters...getting/raising funds for people that do amazing work to get these great dogs adopted).... Talking to Melissa Yost today opened my eyes to so many people and things hindering her from getting rescues...As I walked through her property which was so huge...there was the arena where her dogs and other rescues play and stretch their legs....I asked her how many other rescuers (the ones that have such a big voice when they are alone and not in front of the persons face they are accusing of such things) have been out to look at her property...she looked at me and said NONE. To me this is kind of a low moment....I couldnt believe so many people had not seen what a beautiful place this was...the horses were healthy and running around us as we walked to the stables..ing up to Melissa Yost for a scratch on the head...or a hug around the neck....she began to tell me the stories of each one of her horses and the hardships including selling her own property to keep a horse alive (we as rescuers know all to well what and how that feels). As we approached the stables the horses all poked their heads out to greet her...and Lucy one of her rescue dogs she just had gotten not to long ago (with 9 puppies) approached just wagging her tail like crazy....happy and healthy...just loving life because she knew she was safe....Melissa proceeded to tell me that she didnt get a mother and 9 babies in Troy because Alabama relay refused to transport and they turned another rescuer against her over rumors and lies that have been said about her and her rescue...this disturbs me again to hear.... because not only was Lucy loving life and happy as could be...she was that way because she felt home...she felt love... WE ALL KNOW THAT MOMENT WHEN A RESCUE DOG TRULY RELAXES....WHAT DO THEY DO??? I KNOW ALL OF YOU OUT THERE ARE SCREAMING AT THE SCREEN THEY EXHALE. Lucy was happy...HAPPY!!!! I ask you would she and her puppies been treated like family at a shelter.....NO.....when dogs find their place you can feel it...because they exude a happiness that is rarely seen and I saw that in her....I got to see the puppies in one of the stalls filled with soft blankets and wood shavings for make the stall softer for the puppies... I stayed also to see one of the dogs I was working with in Mobile, AL that got moved to her facilities here....get adopted...it was an amazing experience and Im glad I was there to be a part of everything that happened....Melissa Yost at Starting Over Ranch...Thanks so much for letting me come and share a day with you....I will be there next week to help walk dogs and ride horses....CANT WE JUST SEE THE ALL THE GOOD THAT IS COMING OUT OF THIS PLACE? WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A FIGHT? OR COMMENTS? OR HE SAID SHE SAID...IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT A PERSON IS ABOUT AND WHAT THEY STAND FOR GO AND SEE THEM AND WALK WITH THEM...TALK TO THEM...SEE THE PASSION THAT DRIVES THEM....WHY ARE WE FIGHTING AGAINST EACH OTHER??? PLEASE UNDERSTAND I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE...BUT WHOEVER IS PASSING JUDGEMENT ON ANOTHER PERSON SHOULD KEEP IT TO YOURSELF...BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED GOD IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO THAT...ok rant is done...Ill probably have more tomorrow that Ill think about writing...but for tonight Im done....
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 03:33:38 +0000

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