Ok folks, I finally have my head back where my feet are so i can - TopicsExpress


Ok folks, I finally have my head back where my feet are so i can properly share the gratitude I have after this amazing weekend we just shared. Being concise has never been my strong suit so if you do not like long posts you may want to skip ahead. First I am greaful to Terry Malone for agreeing to become my wife. You have never looked more beautiful or radiant as you did on Sunday.I fell in love with you all over again. I am the luckiest man on the planet to be married to you. Next I want to thank Mother Nature for providing the most beautiful day and backdrop for our wedding celebration. I could not have asked for more. Next I am so grateful for the Malone and Macchia families. You all accepted Terry and I into your families long before the wedding made it official in the eyes of the government. I can only imagine the rolled eyes when you received your Facebook invite to our nuptials to be held at this hippie fest. We really wanted to share that part of our lives with you, not only to see the Gathering of the Vibes, but to share our amazing festival family with you. You may never understand the bond but I hope you felt the wonderful sense of community we are so lucky to be a part of. We are so glad you made the effort to come. To our incredible Vibe Tribe. Words cannot express the bonds of friendship that exist between us. All weekend long you made Terry and i feel as if we had been annointed the King and Queen of the Vibes. Music may have brought us together but the levels of friendship we all have with each other far exceeds anything I have experienced in my lifetime. We all celebrate triumphs together and are the first to bring comfort to each other when needed. We are so blessed to be able to call all of you friend,. Our move to Florida may bring miles between us but you will never be far from our hearts. And God forbid if any of you visit Florida and dont let us know. The wrath of the Bo Berrys will be upon you. To Terrys Yale co-workers: thank you so much for the party you threw her last Wednesday. She absolutely floated home. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and the pictures you created of our future cross country trip were hilarious and displayed at our campsite all weekend. You my friends from YP and the friends of Bill W. who attended. Thank you for sharing our day with us. Together we have shared similar diffculties and triumphs. As with our families we hope you got a glimps into why we value our musical weekends so much. To the Vibes staff, notably Angel Telesco, Mike Abbatiello and Summer Smith. Having volunteered at Vibes i know the tremendous amount of work and pressure you are under that week, yet you went out of your way to accomodate our needs and pull some strings to be able to have our ceremony. That was above and beyond and we are so grateful. To Mark Zaretzsky of the NH Register and Dave and Janet Golden of Radio Vibes. Thanks so much for the pieces you did with us. It enabled family and friends who were unable to attend to share in the excitement we had leading up to the wedding. My daughter remarked on Saturday upon getting to the Vibes that You guys are getting more press that Kim and Kanye. To Sean McNamara: we could not have made your job easy by giving you absolutely no guidance on what we wanted for the ceremony. You provided us with such a beautiful and heartfelt ceremony. This could have only come from such a dear and trusted friend. It was PERFECT! Thanks Michelle for transcribing Seans chicken scratch so he could read it on Sunday.LOL To our friends String Band. It meant so much to us to have such great friends perform at our ceremony and you knocked it out of the park. Standing up there and hearing the crowd sing along was so touching. I wish there was a way to thank you enough. To the Primate Fiasco: thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to lead us in the Mardi Gras March. We wanted something a little different and fun and you guys did it bigtime. I cant watch the video of that part of the ceremony enough. And finally to all of you that took pictures, video, tagged and posted. The beauty of the shots are amazing. You have given us hundered and hundreds of memories of that day. Ill be honest, I have looked at only a small portion because i get teary eyed looking at them and reading the comments. The sights and emotions you captured could not have been done any better. Thank you for taking your time to do that. WOW To be honest Terry and I only sketched out a vague blueprint of the ceremony. You all took your brushes and painted the most beautiful picture I could have imagined. Stanley Jordan told me that it was the kind of ceremony that made all of the couples fall in love with each other again. While it was our wedding, I cannot help but feel that it was a great reperesentation of what our community is really about. For that I am grateful and proud. I hope i did not leave anyone out. If I did understand that I am grateful for the part you played. With that I know can go back and look at all the pictures. Terry and I are truly blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:16:12 +0000

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