Ok guys, here is a testimony from one of my new clients that I - TopicsExpress


Ok guys, here is a testimony from one of my new clients that I have been working with for the last 8 weeks at Fitness First Collins Street with my new business Yutu Fitness Here is her story. It will go on my Worldwide website. Along with others from Yutu Fitness. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for everyones support over the years. I do not just do this for me, but for you all too, I want to make you all proud. Hi all and thanks for taking time out to read this post. Im not a blogger, in fact I have never written anything like this before but I feel a wanting to do this after my catch up with Linda this morning. I am not a fitness expert or a nutritionist so feel free to tune out now if this is not of interest. I would just like to share how I started my journey to fitness and wellbeing as I feel that my case may be similar to so many others. I joined the FF gym some 8 or 9 weeks ago. I have tried other gyms, slimming clubs, fitness dvds (you name it!) and I havent stuck with anything longer than a couple of weeks (mainly because the results didnt come quick enough) but I felt that this time had to be different, I had to change, I wanted change, I wanted a fit and healthier me. My problems are that I capitalise on excuses - the gym its too expensive, healthy homemade food takes too long to prepare, I feel too tired to work out etc. I felt that I needed PT to help me overcome these barriers and I found everything I needed, and more, in Linda Mrkic. I was offered PT with Linda straight away. I thought great, a quick fix solution to my fitness concerns. I thought having a PT would make the weight fall off - only now I appreciate how naive I was! The teacher can prepare you for the exam but unfortunately you still have to take the test. In my first meeting with Linda, I placed my order - Ill have a skinny me please...I wanted to be fit & energetic, I wanted to be skinny & buy nice clothes...I want, I want, I want,...I didnt consider how realistic my goals were, how I was going to achieve these, the timeframe I would need etc. I had a solid induction with Linda where we discussed my lifestyle, eating habits, my exercise regime (or lack thereof!), my previous failures (warts and all approach). Only with everything laid bare can you really begin to set honest, realistic & personalised goals. Linda will not take a one for all approach - I guarantee you. I found this induction very helpful, its personal and it forces you to admit your shortcomings but it also highlights the positives of what you are doing right (its not all bad!). The time came to start training. My first PT session lasted a mere 15 to 18 mins! I was on the first part of my program (cardio work) and began to see coloured spots and felt nauseous - I was fit to faint!! I couldnt continue! I had to hit the changing rooms to pan out on the benches. I felt so low. I felt ashamed that I could I have let myself get to this point where I couldnt even partake in a 30min exercise session. I couldnt muster up the energy for the latter half of the session and left the gym so deflated. Linda was amazing and very understanding, she urged me not to feel defeated and maintained that I had to start somewhere. She even offered me a free PT session to make a fresh start and I am very glad of her generosity today. I didnt feel like coming back, I didnt want to feel like that again but I knew continuing the way I was was not a healthy choice so I took Linda up on her offer and started again. I fell at the first hurdle but Linda made me get back up and I am grateful for that. The next session I took slower and completed it in full - a mini victory for me! I needed a personalised approach to exercise and that is what I got from Linda. I took each session as it came and before I knew it the Week 4 assessment was on the horizon. Linda took my measurements and I had lost some cms but I expected a bit more. I couldnt help but feel a bit disappointed! As I said to Linda, after going to the gym for a month I just expect to look like the lady on the Special K box! It has taken me until now to appreciate that this attitude is just not understanding the change journey I needed! Unfortunately, years of unhealthy/unclean living with limited exercise cannot be undone in just 4 weeks! That just doesnt happen!! Even if it did, it would not be in a healthy or sustainable way! I chatted to Linda what am I doing wrong?!. This is where my self reflection came into play, yes I had been doing my PT but I couldnt honestly say that I had followed my program as fully and completely as I had intended, yes I ate clean...sometimes...but I also had made some consistently bad food choices (chocolate is my weakness!) so I sat with Linda and went through the changes I required for the next 4 weeks. Im quite fair, I couldnt blame the process when I didnt uphold my side of the deal. During the next 4 weeks, I made some modifications and got more prepared. I planned my social life, if I was going out in the evening, I was in the gym in the morning. I had my nights out, I had my weekend dinners out in restaurants (personal fav!), I had my chocolate fix in the evenings (controlled amount) but I also was sweating it out with Linda, bopping along in spinning class (doing what I could!) and making sure I did that program truthfully. Today, I had my Week 8 assessment and I am happy to say that I have lost 7.5cm of body fat tissue since starting with Linda. Ive trimmed away at my arms, my legs and my tummy and it feels good! I still have not reached my target but I feel positive and full of belief that clean living and exercise is the only way to sustainable and healthy weight loss! I havent incorporated all of the advice Ive received into my lifestyle as yet but I am working on making small lifestyle changes that will stay with me for life. I no longer want that quick fix. This mornings assessment is a mini milestone for me and not the end by any means. Unfortunately, my time in Melbourne draws to a close shortly. Without even asking, Linda has offered to make up a travelling workout schedule for me so that I may continue my journey. I have never stuck with a fitness test this long and a lot of this is down to the honesty, encouragement and hard work of my PT. Linda, I sincerely thank you and I hope that our paths cross again in the future. To all of you guys, if you are just starting or currently on your journey - you can and will succeed. I came from nothing in my first session to this stage now so I know that you can too. Believe in what you can achieve and you will succeed. Stay true to yourself - be honest with your efforts. Follow the program as intended and it will deliver results. You do not have to give up on life and live on leaves!! I havent and I couldnt. Best of luck to you all!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 07:23:50 +0000

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