Ok, here I go again. I deleted my last post by accident so I guess - TopicsExpress


Ok, here I go again. I deleted my last post by accident so I guess I have to start over. Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I feel so alone sometimes in this. I have a ton of support, dont get me wrong but I just dont think anyone understands what Im going through like a fellow type1 parent. My 14 year old son was diagnosed the beginning of this month. He had been having all these weird symptoms like the never ending thirst & constant bathroom use. He was sleepy & moody & just not feeling right. I was worried & knew something wasnt right. On our way back from his barber in Red Bluff he said he just couldnt take it anymore. He felt like.....well, crap. We were passing our walk-in clinic in Anderson but something in my gut (mothers intuition) told me to get him to the ER. He begged me not to take him & just go home so he could take a nap. He is terrified of going to the hospital because he thinks he will have to get a shot or something. We laugh about that fear now. They got him into triage pretty quick & when I told the nurse his symptoms she looked at my son & asked him to breathe in her face. He did, & when she looked up at me I knew my life was about to change. They grabbed the blood sugar meter, which only goes up to 600, & he hit 600. They had him in a room, hooked up to IVs in minutes. His actual blood test revealed his BS was 1050. They pulled me out of the room & explained my son was now diabetic. We were on a helicopter within a couple hours & flown to UC Davis that night. I was told had I let him go home & take that nap, he wouldnt of woken up. He was in diabetic shock & on his way to a coma. This has been the absolute hardest month of my life. Watching my one & only child lay there totally helpless ripped my heart out. He has been amazing though. A soldier. Within 1 day of getting out of ICU he was testing & giving himself his shot. It took a couple times of letting me do it & then he took over. He has his ups & downs. He gets sad & defeated but then he moves on. Its his life now & we have to stop thinking its going to go away. Its not. I hate that my 14 year old son cant just be a teenager anymore. He cant just put whatever he wants into his mouth whenever he wants. Its such a crappy age to have this happen. Not that any age is ideal but if you have a teenage boy, you know all they want to do is eat! I couldnt be more proud of him though. His mood swings are hard to take sometimes but I know they will get better. He is home on the home & hospital program for a couple weeks to get caught up in school & adjust without having the stress of a school day. Everyone felt it was just easier this way for now. Easy. Everyone keeps saying this is going to get easier. I honestly dont see that happening. It will never be easy to watch my son go through this. Yes, we will adapt but no, it wont be easy. Im so tired. I feel like Ive been awake for a month. Im terrified to sleep. My head hurts from all the numbers, math, charting, counting.......it is all too much. Im not complaining. Just venting. I will be the Mom I am & do everything & anything I have to do to make his life easier. Ok, Im sorry for the novel. I just needed to share with a community that I know understands. I do have some questions. First, does anyone have or heard about the alert dogs? There is a senior at his high school who has one & I believe trains them. He wants one so badly & I understand it takes a year to be able to get one but Im curious what life is like with one. Any advice? Also, I need more no carb snack ideas!! My son is a snacker & jerky, string cheese & raw almonds are losing their appeal. Third, will I ever feel comfortable sleeping again? Its my biggest challenge. I am very excited to network & talk to people who know what this is like. This month is one I would like to be over. I do need to add however that I could not of asked for a better team than the doctors & nurses of UC Davis Medical. They were absolutely awesome. We were never made to feel like we had to get out of there fast. They made sure we knew we were welcome until they felt 100% & we felt we were 100% ready to be on our own. We learned so much in that week cram session. I feel so blessed to have made the choice to go there. I will end my long story here. Thank you for allowing me to share. I needed this. All we kept hearing in Sac was how amazing the Redding parent support group is. One of the best they kept telling us. I am excited to be a part of it now & look forward to all that I will learn. Thank you ❤️
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:27:02 +0000

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