Ok heres a little testimony that GOD answers little prayers too--I - TopicsExpress


Ok heres a little testimony that GOD answers little prayers too--I went to work today and it was nice outside so I rode my motorcycle. It turned out pretty the whole time I was at work. Well about 5 minutes before I get off the sky opens up. Pouring rain ,wind,lighting! I stop for a minute and ask the LORD to let the rain let up some so I can ride home without any problems. Well I get out of the bathhouse where I change and head outside. Get outside and its not even sprinkling, slight breeze and no lighting. I get on my bike and ride home and dont even have to put on my rain suit. Get home and put my bike in the garage and come inside the house and the sky opens up with high winds and BAD lighting. GOD calmed the storm for me to get home safely. I know I serve a AWESOME GOD!!! Thankyou LORD for your protecting hands. Had to share this. Have a GREAT night and tomorrow and GOD BLESS!!!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:05:23 +0000

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