Ok, so I might be on the unpopular side of all of this but...(KEEP - TopicsExpress


Ok, so I might be on the unpopular side of all of this but...(KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT LDS/MORMON)...why is there a surprise that Kate Kelly has been excommunicated? Religion is equal parts guidance and learning as well as RULES...like it or not (each Religion is difference, but they all have a set standard of RULES to follow...that is why it is Religion and to me Religion doesnt necessarily mean FAITH IN GOD it just means following...yes it CAN equal true faith in GOD, but not always...really think about that before you blow up on me). Now, before you chose to blast me for taking the unpopular view on this or jump on me realize that I believe in COMPLETE AND EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN, WOMEN, GAYS, LESBIANS, ETC...the reason I am pointing this out is that, Kate chose to be Mormon/LDS and she was baptized and agreed to the rules set forth before her years before this happened. Choosing to be a part of ANY RELIGION means you are AGREEING TO THOSE TEACHINGS doesnt it...really think about it. I think she is right, she deserves to be equal...but that isnt the teachings in this case of Holding the Priesthood in the Mormon Church at all. She knew it and now this has happened. Those are the rules of Kate Kellys CHOSEN RELIGION...by choosing to be a part of the Mormon religion she agreed to those rules (however archaic, unfair, or right/wrong they might appear to you). My simple equation to what I detail below is this...I dont think Religion Equals Godliness or Faith in God, I believe it is as follows: 1) Religion = Following Rules that are taught to you, regardless of them being popular or not (some people need guidance to speak with God, some dont). 2) Belief/Faith in GOD = True faith in God doesnt come from Religion, it doesnt..it comes from God and your heart (yes it can come from Religion, but ultimately it is you that decides your true faith in God, and that can come from Gods influence and guidance in your life). Religion doesnt always have to provide that guidance, prayer and TRUE FAITH come from the heart...Religion can only guide you it cant give you true belief or faith (that comes from somewhere else). *I know, I know, many churches say you cannot commune with God on the same level as people who hold high levels in those religions...my opinion is otherwise, you need to be good and do right. The fear of going to Hell or feeling GUILTY shouldnt be the only factor for your belief and/or in your teachings that God has provided to us. Those Religions believe I cant understand Gods teachings without their help...I respect that, but I feel it is fundamentally wrong...because I believe in God just as much as you and I dont believe any one Religion can reunite me with God after my death...my actions and the teachings and what I learn from him during prayer will...that is my opinion, right or wrong to you! Religion can provide guidance for many that need it, I however do not...I pray, listen, learn and I will go to heaven unless I chose to do things I KNOW are wrong, and I will have to answer for those things in front of GOD You see being Catholic, Mormon, Hindu, Islamic or any other Religion isnt a VIP pass into heaven...it has to be earned continuously, whether you are religious or not. If you chose to follow a religion or any teaching, and you say that you truly believe in it and that Religions specific teachings the real gist of it is you need to follow it, plain and simple. Dont take this comparison wrong but I want to make a clear cut and dry comparison...but...take for instance Snake Worshipers, if you are a preacher in a Snake Worshipping church chances are you are going to have to hold some poisonous snakes and dance around with them right??? If you dont and the rule is you have to, cant they kick you out based on their teachings? Again, this isnt to compare Mormons to any other religion, my point is simple rules vs. interpretations and peoples wants from a Religion... To me Religion In General means guidance and rules...that is my belief. I feel you need to listen to God and pray regardless of being Religious or not. That might be blasphemous to some that read this because you think it isnt enough, but I honestly think God gave EVERYONE all the tools they need to reach him...meaning belief, faith, prayer and listening...I dont believe in Religion because it puts a box around faith and belief and those are two things that I personally dont believe you can really box in they are simply just too LARGE. I know that will offend some, but that is my thought...I believe in God and I am just as close to God as any priest, bishop, apostle, etc...because I am on my knees asking for forgiveness and guidance and leading a good life (I know to some that isnt enough, but to me and what answers God has provided back to me say otherwise, and trust me...I have talked with God through the power of prayer and I have listened). Now, I will hear each of you at this point start to point out items from the Book of Mormon, the Bible, or any Religious text that what I said above is not what is outlined in your specific Religious texts. Meaning, they tell me I HAVE TO DO CERTAIN THINGS to reach GOD...but to me, MAN is FLAWED...and to me The Bible and Book of Mormon, or any Religious Doctrine/Text have many influences from mankind...I know the teachings of each are that God or his Apostles wrote what God told them word for word...that is the conundrum to me. Like I said MAN is not capable of perfection, those books were in some way or another written by man...even if you believe God HIMSELF took control of their minds and hands, those books were delivered to us by Man...God provided the content and directions...but mankind ultimately did the scripting (man alive I can already feel some of you fuming and ready to punch me in the face). Back to the point... I dont support the excommunication, however I am not LDS/MORMON so I dont have to support it...if you chose to be a follower, you are doing just that! You dont get to pick and chose things you want to or dont want to follow within a religion. This isnt Chuck a Rama where you can mix things up...this is YOUR CHURCH AND YOUR TEACHINGS YOU AGREED TO...if they say do this, you do it. I CHOSE NOT TO BE MORMON/LDS...that might seem wrong to devout people of the Mormon religion (or any religion since I chose not to define myself as religious but by my Faith in God). I feel this is the best path for me (even though many people either believe I wont go to heaven, or a certain level of heaven, or that I wont be accepted and truly am not a follower of the teachings of God). When in fact I am, I dont care how you feel...I know I will be in heaven because I have prayed, I continue to get better, and I listen to the answers and guidance that GOD himself provides me directly...I dont need an antenna/translator or person to tell me what to do. I listen and learn from GOD...to me, your knees and prayer along with learning and growing based on GODs answers are the tools he provided to me, and I use them daily. I know this isnt popular, not at all...but...Kate knew this was against the rules she proceeded to move forward knowing the consequences...if she didnt believe the teachings were correct within the church based on the way the church regulates priesthood and the place for men and women then flat out, she shouldnt have been Mormon...right? Bring on the hate mail... kutv/news/top-stories/stories/vid_12140.shtml
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:38:25 +0000

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