Ok so...I ran to town to take care of a few errands and stopped by - TopicsExpress


Ok so...I ran to town to take care of a few errands and stopped by the grocery store last. I was making my way up and down each aisle (since I left my list at home, like always) and I noticed this man with a Marine Corp veterans hat, and a camo jacket decked out with various emblems. He was hobbling around with the aid of a walker and a full metal leg brace. I thought I should shake his hand and thank him for his service, but I dont want to freak him out. I continued up and down a few more aisles and could not get my brain to shut up, so I went over to him and said Excuse me, sir, but I see by your jacket that you are a Vietnam Veteran. My husbands dad and step dad both served in Vietnam, and my brother is currently serving in the Air Force. I just want to thank you for your service. His speech was a little slurred, but he lifted his pants leg (the leg without the brace) and showed me his battle scars and explained that was now his good leg. He said his braced leg was due to stroke paralysis, and he has now learned how to walk again for the second time in his life. He asked a few.questions about my brothers career and asked if he could have my brothers name so he could mention him in his prayers. I told him Staff Sergeant Witt, and he removed his hat, bowed his head and prayed protection over my brother. Im glad I didnt ignore my thoughts. That was one of the most humbling things Ive experienced in a long time. And I now have a headache from tears.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:00:11 +0000

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