Ok so I was thinking. Tell me if this is prophetic completion or - TopicsExpress


Ok so I was thinking. Tell me if this is prophetic completion or simple ignorant brainwashing? While living in a dangerous building in a dangerous neighborhood A prophet says to you, Child, you need to get out of that lions den. I see you in (specific city but local) in a (specific looking neighborhood) where the cross roads meet in a (specific looking ONE bedroom apartment) that will have two windows in the living room and and a wooden floor for you to pray on with a kitchen and a bathroom with a beautiful blue toilet,, GOD said this is YOURS so thank HIM!!!! I see a move coming right now. God said right now!!! Say it with me, RIGHT NOW!!! And so what YOU do is go out and start looking in that (specific city) and you keep looking for that (specific neighborhood) you look for an intersection but YOUR brilliant deduction figured out cross roads meant intersection and look at several apartments but lo and behold this ONE (specific apartment) stood out and is in fact exactly the one GOD told you is yours and yours alone (what are the odds huh?) and you do all the necessary credit and background stuff and all of a sudden they actually approve this very rare apartment just for you and you alone. The PROPHET WAS RIGHT!!!! Wow the saints be praised you were obedient to the Will of God HIMSELF. So people tell me. Is this the Will and Word of God through a true Prophetic guidance or is this simple idiotic, brainwashing babble being forced upon by an extremely manipulative false profit whore munging witch bent on controlling the thoughts and actions of weak minded, low self esteemed yet self righteous, hypocritical, immature kid? This is truly what I HATE about RELIGIOUS FANATICAL BEHAVIOR!!!! They will not think for themselves unless some holier than thou comes along and tells them GOD said do it. Oh by the way, God does not speak hate. What I am saying right now is not God by no stretch. This is my opinion based on the ignorance I have witnessed and experienced personally. Do we really wonder why the church is shrinking?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:27:02 +0000

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