Ok, so, the series finale of How I Met Your Mother. First off, - TopicsExpress


Ok, so, the series finale of How I Met Your Mother. First off, let me first start by saying that I was not a devoted fan of this show since its inception. When I grew closer to my fiance, she mentioned how much she loved this show, so naturally I gave it a try at an attempt to share in her interest. At that point, the show was entering its final seasons, so we binged watched them on Netflix. When I saw the first several episodes of this shows first season, I was immediately not into it. I did not like this show at all. I found the show unfunny, corny, completely void of any practicality, and a total waste of Jason Segals comedic talents. As I continued to watch(for some strange cosmic reason) I found myself relating to some of the ideas of the shows main character Ted Mosby. Then I found myself actually finding things funny. Little by little, the show began to become a part of me like a cancerous fungus growing in my brain & heart. The funny thing is, the show never actually got better, but my interest, through some sort of wicked sorcery, began to grow more and more to the point where I knew more things about the show than my own fiance who had been watching this show since it first aired. I knew that this year would bring about the end of this legendary show, but I had no idea when the final episode would be aired. I found out the day after. The first person I thought of was Alaina, my fiance. I thought, Oh man! She must be so bummed that she missed the last episode! I gotta download it so she can watch it! Thats what I THOUGHT. But, truthfully, I actually wanted to see how it ends myself. And now, after watching the final episode I can honestly say, with all confidence, that How I Met Your Mother is the best, crap, sitcom in television history, somehow finding a way to hold on to its audience for 9 years, while producing some ridiculously corny ass pieces of dialogue and incredibly unfunny deliveries, along with some cleverly funny & emotionally heartfelt moments. It became a guilty pleasure of mine. So heres what I thought of the series finale: It was the perfect way to end the story, considering how it started and where the story traveled this whole time. At the same time, I cant help but feel a little bit misguided my the shows title. Ultimately, this show is not about how he met his childrens mother. This show is about the Ted/Robin relationship finally getting to a point where they can actually be together(This sounds nothing like the Ross/Rachel relationship of Friends. This sounds nothing like that at all.). After the fifth season, it should have been clear to me that the love of Ted Mosbys life, would not, in the end, be the mother of his children. It would, in fact, be Robin. And in that respect, the show and its finale makes total sense. The show, metaphorically, is really about the irrational beauty and pain of love, and all the roads & trials that lead to finding it. And through all the pain, through all the suffering, through all the awkwardness, through all the misconceptions, through all the misunderstandings, through all the betrayals, through all false hopes & false starts, through everything....Love Is Always Worth It.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:55:38 +0000

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