Ok, this is going to be a long rant about racial stuff. So, if you - TopicsExpress


Ok, this is going to be a long rant about racial stuff. So, if you are not in the mood: DONT READ! First off, EVERYONE that knows me well, knows that I can not stand racial name calling. With that being said over the last couple of weeks there have been a couple of instances where racial slurs have been used in my presence. And I have had enough. So I have decided to put out a FYI notice!!! And here goes: * If you feel the need to call black Americans niggers (or any other derogatory remark) , stay away from me. Because, contrary to what you believe, not all black individuals are thugs, trash or idiots. * If you are a black individual who thinks its cool to call other black individuals niggers or my nigga, stay away from me. Because to me, it sounds worse when you call someone of your own ethnicity racial slurs. Contrary to what you believe, it is not OK just because you are black also. * If you feel the need to call white Americans honkies or crackers (or any other derogatory remark), stay away from me. Because, believe it or not, not all white Americans are trash, racist or idiots. * If you feel the need to call Hispanic-Americans, wet-back (or any other derogatory remark) stay away from me. Because believe it or not, our country if full of Hispanic individuals who are here legally and are just as much a citizen as you and I are. (For those of you that dont know, my daddy & that side of my family are Hispanic, so this is VERY personal for me!!) * If you feel the need to call Asian-Americans chinks (or any other derogatory remark) stay away from me. Because, believe it or not, that is a racial slur as well. Bottom line to my rant is this: I am not racist and will not tolerate racism around me. I have no problem losing friends over this issue. I strongly believe in equality!!!There are good and bad in every ethnicity. My family is a melting pot. AND I LOVE MY FAMILY!! I feel lucky to have a dad that is Mexican/Indian, a son-in-law that is Asian/White, cousins that are Black/White, & yes that means that I have black cousins! I feel lucky to have been born as a white individual. Not because I think white is better, but only because that is who God chose me to be. I truly believe there is only one race of people and that is the human race! We all bleed the same, we are all born the same, and we all die the same. (Just a side-note: I am not trying to change the way people feel or their opinions. But this is how I chose to live my life. And, other than God, I control what influences are around me.)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:12:10 +0000

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