Ok, yall want it, so here it is. This is my stance on Tonia Allen, - TopicsExpress


Ok, yall want it, so here it is. This is my stance on Tonia Allen, news channel 9, the homeowners, Americas Disaster Relief, the whole terrible situation: I met Tonia a little over a year ago. I was working with a team to restore water to Steelman Estates after almost 2 months I believe it was. At first, she rubbed me wrong. She was cocky, overly aggressive, and very confrontational. I heard terrible rumors about her being married many times. Then I heard that she was being investigated by the FBI. Then I heard that she was stealing home owners money and sleeping around. I heard from so many people to watch out! So I did, I kept my distance. I continued organizing volunteer groups from all over the country and sweating my butt off to do what was in my heart, to love people. Months went by, then more months. She was never arrested or charged after all these accusations, so I decided to donate my construction skills and laid all the tile in an entire home that she and Ryan Van Meter built. Then I did sheetrock and laid a little tile in the other home her and Ryan Built. Then I went to the third home she was building and built forms for the concrete for that family and helped find them temporary housing. Then, after a lot of thought and prayer, I decided to see if she could help me build a home for Don and Faye Head. Now, another man who was hugely instrumental In helping get them into temporary campers and many other things in the beginning had already introduced them to her, and even took them on tours of Tonias homes she was building, but long story short, he was really busy with other things so it ended up being Americas Disaster Relief (Tonia) and myself (frontline/servemoore) who would build the home. I continued hearing rumers but she just kept building. People who knew absolutely nothing about this woman came to little axe to testify against this woman because of the rumors. None had proof, and none of the accusers ever picked up a shovel or rolled up their sleeves. So one day, I asked Tonia why all the accusations? Why the drama? Then she shared her life story with me, and I could relate on a lot of levels. It was that moment that I understood her heart. I could see the brokenness inside cloaked by this brash, fearless, self assured woman who didnt need anyone or anything. This woman cared about these homeowners so much, I literally saw her cruise around in an old beat up car that was constantly on E, dirt on her face and hands, wearing mucking boots while taking pictures between the times she didnt have a shovel in her hand. She was building homes for people who were extremely under insured or completely uninsured. These people literally had nothing, and she swore her devotion to them. Most people didnt even know she had kids or a husband and that she was dealing with problems in her own marriage, because she was like a woman possessed to help these people from the mobile home park. As the months wore on, and volunteers slowed, I began to hear grumblings and complaints. Boy, that home still isnt done yet? Its been four months! I just cant live in this rental home anymore because it is in bad shape and we are so cold! She is going back to Texas and abandoning us! Yet, here she is. Still here. Facing the hatred. Did Tonia create enemies? I would say yes, she would say yes. Could her social interactions with some of these politically powerful people been better, Ill bet she would say yes, because she has grown as a person. We all have. I watched as news channel 9 tried to burn her to the ground, still no charges. I watched as Scott Heinz from channel 4, (yes, I was literally laying tile in a bathroom as he and his camera crew walked in, awkward) thought they had something, a big story! Nope, he decided not to run a story, because the proof is in the pudding. He saw the homes she had already built, the pink mission she was remodeling so volunteers from all over the country could come and have a place to stay as they fulfilled their call to love, and so he did the right thing and didnt run the story. Still the rumors rolled on. Now, here we are again. News channel 9 breaks a story by talking to two people with just as interesting background as Tonia, whom Tonia is partnered in building a home for. I watched in disgust as these two people patronized her and said it is just so sad... No one speaking up for her. I watched as other homeowners said things like sad that people are still trying to take advantage of our community. From a personal aspect, I was furious. I could not believe that these people, whom this woman kept her word to, were posting and reposting this garbage online. No one there to say wait a second guys, remember, this is the media we are talking about. Nope, not one. At best neutrality. Well, I can say this, I have never seen a book, a single financial statement, even from the home I partnered with her on to build in little axe. I did the labor, she handled financials/donations. Every time I needed supplies, they were there. Period. However, I can say this, to the media...just because people plead the fifth doesnt make them guilty. It generally means there is more to the story or they are uncomfortable by your presence and determination to find dirt and whore it to the public for your ratings. To the homeowners who got houses, you didnt have 70,000$ collectively to build one house, she has made three houses in Steelman Estates possible. So IF this woman took any money, to pay her gas, to pay her rent, or her auto insurance, IF this happened, remember, she didnt take that money from you, SHE raised that money to make your new life possible. So when people attack her, have some integrity, stand with those who stood with you in your most desperate time. As far as Americas Disaster Relief, I wish I knew them. The only rep I have ever seen was Tonia and maybe Jan one time, Im not sure. My final thought, I dont regret helping anyone, I would do it all again because our hearts are drawn and made to love. Although it was extremely trying and many sacrifices were made, I had the support of my church and my organization. This woman had no one. Right now, people should be reaching out to her, praying for her, giving her support, speaking of the good she has done, because as of now, there still have been zero charges filed, still. Maybe someday these relentless people get what they want, maybe I look like a total ass for standing up for this woman and all of you can look at me and say Ha! I told you so! I was right!and you get your satisfaction and justice. But I would say this, while you stood on the sidelines and watched people from Texas come into your community and literally rebuild it better and stronger than it was before that horrible day, others stayed the course. I would rather have done this all over again then stand on the sidelines and wait for people to make a mistake, to make myself feel important when something goes wrong. I hope nothing Tonia was in charge of financially is really wrong or illegal, it would break my heart because I know her, but I would rather have swung a hammer with her then to never have engaged my community and watched others do what I was too busy to do. There it is. That is all I have to say on the issue.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:26:22 +0000

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